Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Family Reunion - Day 1

We have looked forward to this family reunion for a whole year. Yep, you read that entire YEAR! Tucker's parents were kind enough to rent a beach house in Oceanside (sort of near San Diego) for a week and 5 of the 7 children (and their families) were able to come. There were 11 adults and 12 kids.

The house was beautiful. Five bedroom, four bathrooms.....and sat right on the beach.

Soon after we all arrived (some by plane, some by car, one even from China!), my sister-in-laws and I went to Costco for a big $400 load of food for the week.

Our first day there was spent just relaxing and giving the kids time to play on the beach. Maren and Lyndsy's families went to Disney's California Adventure that day, and the rest of us just hung out! This is a picture of my cute mother-in-law Jeannine and cute sister-in-law Lynda Ann.

Jordyn and Lexi loved every second of the beach! Peyton, on the other hand, acted like the sand was fire and wouldn't touch it for the life of her.....until the last day of the trip!

The first beach day was overcast and cool, as you can see in this picture. But all the other days were perfect....sunny & warm!

The kids had a blast having uncle/daddy Tucker burying them in the sand!

(My brother-in-law Jeff climbing down the rocks with Hayley). This is what we had to do to get down on the sand. A little rigorous, but it kept the little ones from running out into the ocean unattended!

The house had a nice warm shower outside to rinse off the buckets of sand that somehow hide in every crevice of the kids' bodies before going in the house!

And to end the fun day, we tried to calm the kids down by popping some popcorn and putting on a movie. But who wants to settle down and go to bed when you've got cousins all around you? Here are some of the kids.....Abby (7), Jordyn (6), Lexi (almost 5) and Hayley (almost 6).


Eliza2006 said...

Looks very fun and you look very skinny.

Love, your jealous friend, Tiffany

Owen said...

Skinny indeed...I need to get on that band wagon. Looks like a great trip! I do love the beach. Been thinkin about ya, glad to see you with your fam.

Jamie and Family said...

I'm sorry girls, but it is a camera trick. Don't be fooled. ;-)

Janessa Couch said...

That is my kind of family reunion. I have to say my favorite, is that warm shower outside of the condo. That is genius! I do not know how many times I have had screaming kids when I am trying to give them a freezing cold shower in public.

britt said...

whaat an awesome reunion. I REALLY want to go to the beach sometime (soon I hope). That house sounds perfect for the occassion and for the group size. I look forward to hearing about the rest of the trip!

Beth said...

I was impressed how many water bottles are in the costco cart! Looks like big, family, fun. You are looking extremely skinny these days! admit it!

Melvin and Carly said...

Glad you had fun. And you really do look great!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

How fun!! Some of my favorite childhood memories are from hanging out with my cousins. It looks like the girls made so many with this trip!! That house looks amazing and you look gorgeous Jamie :)