Monday, October 06, 2008


Cousins Paxton and Peyton are 8 months apart. And they get a HUGE kick out of each other. It's so fun to see their faces light up when they see one another. Peyton affectionately calls him "Wacky Wacky" (sort of derived from Packy).

Lindy and I do some trading during the week, so they get a couple chances to see each other. They've just recently discovered fighting with one another, and I can tell they will be quite mischievous together. Just last week, Peyton made sure that Paxton had a nice thick layer of number 50 sunscreen (see first pic) all over his face. Y'know......... just in case.


Unknown said...

That sounds just like Ava and Coop. They are best friends and worst enemies and when they gang up on someone it is scary.

Tara said...

Wow, I am kind of glad Bill's sister lives in Ca now, I think Beckie's little Zane and my little Eddie would be just like that, if they lived close to each other. But I would bet in the long run, their relationship will serve more positive purposes than anyone can forsee. And they will sure get a laugh out of all the mischief they got into as kids! Reminds me of all the stories of my dad and his brothers when they were little, insane really. My poor grandmother.

britt said...

that is so cute they have such a close connection!