Monday, October 06, 2008


I don't know why I felt the need to "pause" my blog so officially a couple weeks ago. I could have just not blogged without announcing it. But I guess I needed to mentally assure myself that it was okay to take a break.

Sometimes life throws you too many curve balls all at once. At first you are scrambling to pick them up.....and then you realize that you can't. There is no way. You just have to learn to take a strike and to move on with the game. I don't mean to speak in code, but the curve balls have fallen all around me and I'm trying to figure out what my position is in the rest of the "game". Translation: I'm/we're dealing with a lot. Personal things that I wish I could blog about because I know there are lots of you who care and want to support/help. But sometimes you have to turn inward, to yourself, to your family, and especially to the Lord. He knows everything. He understands things that blow our minds. He sees the other side.

Just last week at piano, the teacher gave this analogy to the kids (he's a music pastor at his church, so we often get little lessons during piano). He explained to one girl, who didn't want her mom's help, that she should listen to her mom because her mom sees more than she does. Her mom sees the other side of a problem, and wants to help her through it. This has stuck with me all week. Basically, when we are facing a trial, all we can see is the trial (mountain) directly in front of us. We have no idea that there is happiness on the other side of it because we can't even imagine GETTING to the other side of it. But God is "taller" than us and more wise than us and can see what is waiting for us on the other side of the trial/mountain. So we must lean on Him and listen to Him so we can get to that other side and feel happiness. So I drew (in Paint) this really bad picture to explain:

I can't completely stop blogging just because my blog can't contain EVERY single thing I feel or experience (not that it ever has before....) because I really love to journal our life. For three solid years I've done it, and it has become a part of our family. I did a mini catch-up of a few things I don't want to forget.


Beth said...

That was fun to read so many posts in on night. Glad you unpaused. I missed clicking on your name. Love the video of Pey and girls. All too familiar of a scenario of what is happening over here. I'm constantly saying for the kids not to laugh at Luke's bad behavior, but its so tempting. Your trial picture did make me smile, but it is a wonderful and true way to look at life and things that knock us off our feet. If anyone I know can overcome a mountain it's YOU!

Melvin and Carly said...

I was thinking of you today and how much I missed reading about what was happening with you and your girls. I was wondering when you would "unpause." Boy, you did it with a vengeance! I'm glad you're back. And I can completely understand where you are coming from with the trials. I'm so grateful that we have help from Someone who can see over the mountain. In a similar vein, our FHE lesson was on prophets. We talked about Samuel and how he could see better and farther from his spot up on the wall. I'm thankful for a living prophet to guide us; his words over the weekend were timely for me.

Chelley said...

when I can online tonight I almost fell over with that many posts and it was only the other day that I stoped but to see if you had updated or anything I had been wondering how your were all going!!!

Debbie said...

glad to see you back:)

Eliza2006 said...

Glad you're back. I used to make formal announcements when I couldn't blog for a while. Now, if I don't blog, it's because my life has become a whirlwind and I don't bother announcing it. Like we have talked about before, the blog isn't always an accurate account of everything that is going on in life, but it's still o.k. to journal fun, little snippets.


Owen said...

Good to hear from you again! Good luck with that mountain which includes your sweet "Pey Pey"!!

Jamie and Family said...

FYI: I was doing little posts during the past week and just saving them as drafts so I wouldn't forget things. That's why there are so many!! :-)

Heidi said...

So true. The Lord is waiting for us to just listen to him!

I got to see Dane and Beth at Amanda (Sister Wilson's) wedding dinner. It was so great to see them, since I haven't since Selma - like, three years ago. Anyway, I asked them if they miss Cali and the first thing they said was they miss you guys.

I know I didn't get to know you guys all too well, but I always thought you were beautiful and your family is so fun. Of course I remember the girls in their Snow White and Cinderella dresses, and of course the night that the Christmas tree fell over at your house and when Tucker jumped over the couch to go save the girls who he thought were trapped underneath it. Good times.

Tara said...

Good for you Jay! I LOVE how you "visualized" your situation. I needed that reminder too. Thank you. And I think it will be important to look back on the journal book our blogs will one day become, and have all the happy and interesting memories documented. The kids will love that, and the "other" memories will be just for us in our own personal journals, right? Keep blogging when you can, it's good to follow your family adventures, even if it's not the whole picture. :) Love you!!!

britt said...

thanks for the update and know YOU are not alone in your feelings, I just don't make it public. I feel like my hills seem to be quite frequent lately!

Anonymous said...

Happy to have you back.

Katie said...

I enjoyed reading through the posts about the kids. They are so adorable, good luck with Peyton and Paxton...I can just imagine the trouble those two will get into. I told someone the story about the painting with poop event.

Thanks also for the lesson on perspective, it is nice to every once in awhile to have that reminder that we can't solve everything ourselves. Good luck.

Jill said...

Glad you are back!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I'm so glad you are back and for the updates:)

Chris Grover said...

YAY! i was so excited to find you unpaused today! it is a surety that so many of us can relate to exactly what you described, but you have a special way of putting it all into words so it makes sense. i know it doesn't make it easier necessarily, but just know there are lots of people who love you and are thinking about you right now. you'll get over that mountain for sure, and see the greener pastures that the Lord sees on the other side. thanks for all the fun updates, too, so we all could see what you have been up to! we've missed you!