Friday, October 31, 2008

Family Reunion - Day 4 & 5

Our last two days of the reunion were mostly relaxing and just spending time together. The kids may have loved this more than the theme parks! They played in the sand and water as much as we let them, and would literally have done it 12 hours per day. Somehow, no one got a bad sunburn. We were good with the sun screen - and with so many fair-skinned red-heads, that's a must!

Lexi spent most the time digging in the sand. She loved every second of it!

Peyton has hated sand her whole (whopping 2 years of) life. I mean HATED. Would cling to me like a monkey if I even tried to put her toe near a grain of sand. She was only happy if we were holding her.

I would try and try and sprinkle sand on her toes and hands and get her used to it. She would perch on the towel and not let a toe get off of it.

But a miracle happened this week! Somehow, she overcame her fear! It wasn't quick or easy, but eventually she was walking (hesitantly) on the sand!
And then even let Gam take her on a little walk! (Isn't this a cute pic?)

And before we knew it, she was actually PLAYING IN the sand! She loved being in this sand hole with her cousin River. She especially loved throwing sand on him....or doing anything to torment him. Poor River.

Lyndsy is the best sand-creator I've met! She spent like two hours on this big mermaid! Way to go Lynds!

Jordyn spent most of the time in the water. She loved it and didn't care that it was cold. She inherited that from her dad for sure. She loved boogie boarding with her cousins!

My brother-in-law James with River.

Gam and Pa relaxing on the beach!!!

Cute Jordyn.

Cute Lexi.

Maren with Brock.

Tucker got a chance to golf 18 holes on the last day with his Dad, Jeff and Greg. They were gone most of the day, but had some good guy-bonding time golfing!

On Friday evening, we had our family pictures taken on the beach by Jeannine's niece and her family who are AWESOME photographers. We haven't seen the hundreds of pics they took yet, but I'll post them when we do. They were so good and we can't wait to see what they captured! Their website is Check it out.

And what else would we wrap the evening up with but some GAMES. Somehow, we failed miserably in our attempts at games during this week. Usually we are obsessed and play every night until 2 am, but everyone must have been a little more wiped out at night from our busy days in the sun. But on the last night, we fit a few hours of games in (not pictured: Greg....but he actually played most of the time, which is highly rare for him!).

What a fun week we had. There are hundreds more pictures where these come from. I just selected a few key pics to remember what a fun week we had together. Thanks to my in-laws for their efforts, love and memories! Can't wait for the next one.

1 comment:

Tara said...

My goodness, after seeing these pics, I think we might have to take a day and go to a (cold, northern cali) beach this month. I miss it so much and it looks like you guys had such a fantastic time!!!