Thursday, October 16, 2008


When I was little, I remember my cousin Kelly asked me if I wanted to play 'hags'. I must have seemed confused because she said "You know, Hide And Go Seek?". Ahhhh, I hadn't heard that term for it, but it's always stuck in my head.

This is one of my girls' favorite games to play with Daddy (boring mommy doesn't participate much). They absolutely LOVE it. And anyone who comes over jumps right in. Lyric and Paxton had a blast with us this time.


Unknown said...

My kids were playing that just last night!

Anonymous said...

OF course that is the perfect game for Tucker since he likes to scare! I remember the anticipation of waiting to be found.

britt said...

Yes, Quinn is A LOT more fun too, when it comes to games in general, but that too is one of favorites around our house!

Janessa Couch said...

My kids have never really been into HAGS (cute word for it) until about a month ago. They have now changed it into lets hide and scare mom. Believe me, I have been really scared to have a little one jump out at me when I was not aware I was playing.

Beth said...

Those are some cute pictures. That one of Tucker makes me laugh because it just looks like a head. Maybe that is what we can do our next fhe. have you ever played sardines. I like that even more I think.