Friday, October 10, 2008

Daddy's Day With His Girls

Since Mommy is up North watching Donny, Dorkie, and the one who thinks he is a rapper, but never was or never will be.
Daddy took the girls out to play at the park and on the way we found this cool waterfall so I stopped and took some pictures.
Mommy this is also to tell you that we love you and miss you VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pey Loves to Swing.

Jordyn was looking at a small puppie

Lexi wanted her own pic in front of the waterfall.


Beth said...

funny, cute! trying to visualize where that waterfall could possibly be? Your a good Daddy!

Eliza2006 said...

Look at those cute girls with their daddy! Looks like you're having a nice weekend with the girls. I never really understood what people saw in Donnie, but Joey, I knew I'd marry him someday!


britt said...

what a good daddy/hubby you are Tucker! And you even thought to take some pictures, that is awesome!!