Friday, August 22, 2008

A Feeling
(pic from

I can't remember the last time I was effected by something in the way that I have been from the moment I heard of Stephanie's (Nie) plane crash. I only 'know' this family through the 'blogosphere', but I check cjane's website multiple times per day for possible updates. This morning's post in particular brought many tears to my eyes. I am astounded at the amount of heartbreak I feel for the journey this family (especially the children) is preparing to endure, but also, at the same time, the amount of hope and upliftment (is that a word?) with which my heart has been filled. I have a constant prayer in my heart for miracles to happen for them.

A Funny

Well, this isn't all funny. But I found a peek of joy in it. Last night, I went to bed early. 11:00 is really early for me, and I was proud of myself. So, imagine my disappointment when my 22 month old started to cry at 1:15. This happens often, but it's usually a 2 minute thing. I could tell from the moment I heard it that it was going to be a long one (and I was right, she was wide awake for 2 1/2 hours). So after many attempts of snuggling in bed with mom, then going back to her bed, cry and repeat...she finally seemed content to stay in her bed, although wide awake. So I was laying in my bed frustrated, and all of the sudden she decides to sing. I hear "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So!", and "Wing awoun Posies, Ashes Ashes, all pall down!"....over and over and over. And with such enthusiasm, I had to get up and see if one of her sisters was actually in there playing with her! Nope, just happy little Peyton! Finding "joy in the journey", right?

A Flashback Friday!

Oh my gosh, I was so excited yesterday! I found the blog of my friend Erica, whom I haven't been in touch with for nearly 10 years! I've wondered over and over how she is, but never knew how to find her! I don't know why it barely occurred to me, but I did a few searches for her blog (luckily I knew her married name!) and what do ya know? I found it! How fun it was to catch up with her and her four kids! Erica was a friend to me during a couple very formative years of my early adult life (probably 19-21) and she probably doesn't know it, but made a big impact on me! Erica, I'm so glad we can stay in touch now! Here are some funny pictures of 10+ years ago...Erica....I'm emailing you!


Owen said...

YUCK!! Why do you look fabulous in both of these pics and I look like a beached whale??? Helloooo? I actually thought about digging out some old photos of us as well, but I'm in the middle of a breast cancer auction for my friend through tomorrow night! This has consumed my life for the last 4 weeks or so. I will have to look after that's over. YAY! I am so glad to re connect! I'll be blogging about you or emailing you when i find 2 seconds...probably Sunday!! Have a great weekend!

Debbie said...

i am emotionally attached to the story of steph and christian as well. i find myself packing a box then running to see if c jane has updated again. her post today was super emotional! isn't it amazing how many feelings you can feel for someone who you have never met?