Friday, August 01, 2008

You Won't Believe Me

A couple months ago, Lindy and I started discovering how amazing and fun it can be to really get into the whole couponing thing. See, up until this point, I've always thought it was annoying to save $ .35 cents on something and not really worth the effort of clipping the dang coupon.

But that's before I really got it. (well, really Lindy GETS it and tries her best to teach her older/dense sister)

It's so much better than that. But you DO have to want a hobby because it takes some major dedication. At least until you REALLY get it.

I'm not going to go really into it on this post because it would make your brain hurt, but lets just say that after 7 transactions and 5 hours....I came home with lots of free stuff. Lindy and I shopped for that many hours and MADE money! How could that not be fun?

Here's my loot in a nutshell:

(I went to Walgreens (most of it), SaveMart and Longs Drugstore):

Retail Value: $390
Savings: $403 (this includes weekly sales, manufacturer & store coupons, and rebates)
Out Of Pocket: +$13 (I actually MADE $13)

Does this seem possible? No, but it really is! Crazy, huh?


Mike & Lindy said...

I could just stare at the picture for hours :) I guess it is because I know and can appreciate all that went into it! How can anyone possibly resist the temptation to be paid to shop?!?!
Unfortunately, I will be having coupon dreams all night long!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I've been meaning to email Lindy who gave me some great tips this has become an obsession for me. I was out at CVS at 11pm last night getting a ton of free stuff. I need to post a picture of my loot.. I must say this is impressive. I know how time consuming this can be but how fun.I took my niece with me yesterday and she said this is so much fun, it's like a big scavenger hunt where you actually make money. It's a dream come true.. getting paid to shop!!

Janessa Couch said...

Ok, sorry but you have to share your secrets, not matter how long the email will be. My sister is a huge shopper at Albertsons for their cool sales and so I get some of them, but nothing like you did. When you have time, you will have to share.

Beth said...

That is amazing. I see some very expensive products there. How did you shop for 5 hours after driving all night? I hope you didn't have the kids. I wish I could go and see how it works. Now you need to sell that stuff at garage sales and make even more money. At least the things you won't use.

Jamie and Family said...

Beth....we got a babysitter!! I needed a break from the kids, and it sounded therapeutic!

Some people really do garage sale their items. I prob won't go that far YET.

britt said...

that sounds tiring just reading about it. I think if I had someone to do it with, like you do with Lindy, then it would be easier to pursue. But WAY TO GO!!! It always feels good to get a deal, so I can imagine how THAT felt :)

Tara said...

That is incredible! I am almost afraid to start, I feel like I do not have time to squeeze in one more task to my life, but this seems too good to pass up!