Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Friends, Panties, School and Teeth

I have been in such a frozen state lately! Maybe more mentally than anything. I feel like I must be actually cleaning my house only in my head because everywhere I turn it looks actually worse, no matter how much I do. But, I think the basis of my mental-paralysis is actually denial that school is starting in one week. For some reason, I feel sort of blue about the whole thing. A little part of me dreads the routine (although I actually feel happier once I'm in one) that school brings. Every morning its like we have to shoot out of a cannon to get going fast, and every evening is full of homework, family time, any extra-curricular activities, baths.......and all on a very specific early-to-bed time-line so they can wake up and handle it all again the next day. I've really enjoyed our sleeping in, lax, flexible summer. And, as a pleasant surprise, the kids haven't driven me crazy this summer. I don't feel claustrophobic like I thought I would, or even "ready" for them to be gone all day.

Part of my sadness is the (obvious) fact that each year they will keep going into an older grade. I mean, that sounds so wierd. But last year, there was lots of anticipation and excitement when Jordyn started Kindergarten because it was all new. But now, I want her to just start Kindergarten over and over and over and not keep getting older!

And also, with Jordyn and Lexi in school, what are me and Peyton going to do for six hours? Don't get me wrong, it sounds heavenly in many ways. But as the third child, Peyton only knows life with her entertaining older sisters around. Now she'll just be with boring old mom all day! I think *this* is when many people have more babies ;-)

So, event through my mentally frozen state, I've managed to do a few noteworthy things. I literally felt like I didn't do anything worthwhile today (prob because my to-do list is so long still), and I sat around mindlessly on my computer way too much, but here are a few highlights:

Heather and Jason are some of our good friends who moved a few months ago (like everyone else) but they only moved 20 minutes away. So I had their kids over today to play. Kylie and Lexi are the same age and call each other "best friend", and Collin is 10 months older than Peyton. It's a fun bunch. (Lexi really was having fun, she just couldn't peel her eyes away from the movie to smile).

Peyton liked having a rough & tumble type play with Collin today! I tell ya, this LoveSac is one of our best "toys". The kids jump, fall, and play on it all day long.

I'm continuing the dreaded process of organizing all sorts of girls' clothing, getting ready for school mornings!

Jordyn lost her second tooth (well, third if you count the one the dentist had to pull 18 months ago that is STILL an empty spot) last night! I get so completely grossed out by loose teeth. I absolutely can't deal with it, so it's Tucker's job. But last night in the car it just fell out while she was talking! That is MY kind of tooth loss!

I seriously get a kick out of Peyton every single day (we ALL do). She's a funny kid. So tonight I was playing on the floor with her, and suddenly she got up and laid down on her stomach and said "Horsie Mommy!". I didn't get it at first, and finally Jordyn said "Mom, she wants to be the horsie for you". So I thought, what the heck! And sure enough, that's what she wanted, so I "sat" on her for a horsie ride!

My cute mother-in-law has herself believing that I'm a good at flower arrangements. She's had me do two for her house so far, and I guess when someone else believes something, it makes you think you can? They turned out decent, so Tucker keeps asking when I'm going to do an arrangement for our house. Even though I feel extremely amateur, I finally bought some flowers at Michael's and attempted one for our dining room table. I don't think this pic shows it very well, but you get the idea.

And finally....this probably deserves it's own post....but we're still working on Pey's potty training. I CANNOT stress this enough that this was HER idea. I know you're probably thinking I'm on crack because she is only 22 months old, but I swear it is totally her idea! She's been interested since 19 months old. For months, she would take off her diaper and get annoyed when she was wet, or had to pee. So finally, last week, I decided to give it an official try. I kept getting afraid that the "window" would pass of her willingness! We still have a few accidents a day, but by accident I mean that she starts to pee (forgetting for a second that there is no diaper) then totally stops herself and says "Mommy, potty!!" and we run to the potty and she goes a ton of pee! Many other times, I just take her. Around every hour. And she willingly goes each and every time. She is a great little wiper too. It's just so funny to me, but it is totally her personality! I'm afraid there isn't any turning back now because when I put a diaper on her, she will soon tell me "mommy, pee pee" and try taking it off. This is not even a LITTLE bit how my other two were to potty train, and if she were my first, I would probably be a lot more judgemental of others who had 2-3 year olds that weren't trained. But I really know that this is NOT me, it's all her. She just "gets it".


Eliza2006 said...

Peyton is a cute, smart girl! Jordyn looks so grown up with her missing teeth! I love the TV stare on Lexi's face...Eliza does the same thing. Shockingly, I am so looking forward to school starting. I tell Eliza how excited I am every day. We drove by her school today to wave to it. She, unfortunately isn't as excited as I am!


Tara said...

I have so much I want to comment on! All your girls are SO beautiful and smart! Pey IS quite unique with the potty, that is amazing! She might be your self-motivated, independent self-starter, who will make school mornings seem like a breeze. (when it's her turn to start school ;) (I know your other girls are independent, but I know the difference between a child you have to push all the way through the morning, and one who is ready all by themselves almost before you even get up) :)
I wish I could help with your house SO badly! I love to organize other people's things SO much more than my own. I always feel such anxiety over my own stuff, which is why I still have a few boxes of things that need to be organized in my art room and they are just not going away!
I love your flower arrangement, you ARE very creative. I don't like it when my friends think they are not wonderfuly creative because they compare themselves to me. I studied art, it was my thing, but you are MUCH more creative than the average gal. Honestly! You have an eye for it!
I know how you feel about the kids getting older, it just flys by SO fast! I almost wonder if 1st grade is harder than K, because it's the "real" full-time school schedule that kicks off the rest of their educational career? It get much easier once you get into it. I LOVE elementary school age, it's been so much fun with Jade, watching her learn about the world. Hang in there, it gets better and better! Love you!

britt said...

I think I am where you were at LAST year with Jordyn, cuz I am so dang excited for Ame to start school and Kaipo too for that matter! It is going to take some great patience, until we get into a rountine and learn how to make things run smoothly each morning (that I am not as excited about).
And way to go Peyton! That is so lucky for YOU, that she has made it soo easy.
I can't remember what else I read about in this post, so that is all I will comment about for now :)

Unknown said...

Savannah can't wait to lose her first tooth but I am afraid it wont be for a LONG time due to the fact she didn't get them until she was 15 months!

Melvin and Carly said...

Wow! Good for Peyton!

I can't believe how big everyone is - your kids, and Kylie and Collin. They all just grow up so fast (well, the days are long but...). Audrey starts preschool this year and goes to kindergarten next year. She's so excited and I'm a little apprehensive about starting to be so scheduled. We'd better hit the park a few more times!

sosilly said...

Do we need more little girl theme panties on that adorable fanny? She deserves some new ones too.
Kiss the girls for me and tell them I'll be home soon!!!!!!
Love, MOM