Tuesday, August 05, 2008

How Do People Do It?

I think 5 years is a magical point in home-owning where you start to crave an overhaul. By that point, you've become a little TOO settled in and overcrowded. Especially in the childbearing years - when there is a constant shift in clothing, bedding, beds, toys, etc.

We have definitely hit that point.

I feel cluttered, disorganized, and like I'm not using our space the best way I could. I wish I just had $10,000 to hire someone to do some organization and slight re-decoration. Yeah right.

The problem is, I have so many thoughts running around in my head of what I should do and want to do.....but my body is totally unmotivated to do any of it. I look around at every single (messy) room, and I just want to walk back to this computer and be lazy with it all day. Poor kids of mine.

I think I'm still experiencing post-trip exhaustion.

One of my projects is to take our under-used office (aka junk room) and overhaul it into a kids playroom. I'm doing a decent job, but it is causing a domino effect. Closets are being re-done, toys are being moved, bedrooms are re-arranged. Whew!! As I see it take shape, I'm also seeing the light, but it is moving much slower than an impatient person like me would prefer.

All in all? I would actually love a slightly bigger house. Or at the very least, a storage basement. I feel so ungrateful saying that because there are plenty of people around the world who would give their right arm for our home. But our 1800 sq feet that used to feel huge, is starting to feel a little squishy. Just one extra bonus room is all I'd really want. But it just doesn't seem necessary to spend more $ on a house when I can just do some major re-arranging.

And as long as I'm rambling, I have to say what an addiction Craigslist furniture sales can be. It's like the best virtual garage sale ever! And everytime I refresh the page, people have posted new things. So yesterday, we bought a Broyhill pine armoire for the T.V. in the piano room for $250 from a lady who bought it for $700 just two years ago. It is in perfect condition. And even though I wasn't in the mood to spend $250, it will help clear up the clutter a LOT and I love that its a quality piece of furniture rather than some pressboard thing.

Please send me vibes of energy and organizational skills!


sosilly said...

If I possessed those kinds of vibes I would indeed send them your way. I know you get through it and be so proud of your great job.

*Jessica* said...

Everyday of my life I think I need to keep organizing. It's neverendless, my best advice if you don't use it throw it out, don't need it, throw it out. I have become OCD on clutter. Throw away, give away, or sell it. just make life simple.
It seems to only get worse. Just think thow in a few weeks both girls will be in school and there will be a little more uninteruppted time,right? at least that is what I am hoping for.
Love ya Jess

Tara said...

I wish I could take a week off from my family and come devote it to your house! I have tons of ideas for maximizing space, (after all the small homes we have lived in!) It's not for sure, but it looks like we might be flying in the monday before Thanksgiving. Lets plan something, I would love to come help with anything I can. :)

Tara said...

I just thought of a few quick tips.
I think Jessica is right on. SIMPLIFY, and then get creative with using furniture/organizing units that use up unused space as much as they can, (in closets, under beds, corner units, shelves above dressers, etc).

And change the color of your walls. You can put up bead board on one side, or a chair rail, or try three shades of the same color in a room, playing with a gloss finish like with stripes or designs that will just slightly change the texture, etc. Those are all things that can be changed again, but will make a HUGE difference, and "refresh" the feel of your home. Plus, it's just paint, so you can always change it.

And if I come at Thanksgiving, I'll paint accents again, like something more in the girls room, your kitchen or anywhere you would like.
After you paint, then it's fun to just go around your house and see what little things you can swap from room to room and rearrange, and it will give new life! Go around your house and take pictures, (if you feel up to the exposure), post them and ask people for ideas?