Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Little Catch-Up

Life is always busy. But sometimes it feels a little extra busy & crazy, right? That's me lately.

Thought I'd do a catch-up journaling post so I don't forget the little things (because heaven knows things drop out of my head at lightening speed these days...).

Our spring season of Harmony is over! It was a great season. I really enjoyed the patriotic theme...and our new blue shirts.

My friends are now officially almost gone. Kandelyn will be gone tomorrow (sniff, sniff) and Beth is gone in a week (more sniff, sniff). I know a big portion of my brain has been taken up lately with dreading these moves. And my kids ask at least 5 times per day when their friends are moving (sniff, sniff, sniff).

Peyton is so dang cute. She is the friendliest little kid and loves to say hi (with a friendly wave) to everyone. She talks up a storm and loves Signing Time more than ever! She loves her "tisters" so much! One of our most recent laughs is figuring out what she was doing with our DVD player. We kept seeing her walk up and do something with her toes to it. We laughed when we realized that's how she thinks you start a DVD - with your toes - because that's how I lazily do it!

I have totally been in a mom-funk lately. I feel like I took a wrong turn somewhere and need to get back on track. I've felt grumpy and quick to get upset. I just am so exhausted of the same arguments, the same struggles and the same fights all the time. And I feel like my girls do not hear me at ALL. I've tried all sorts of incentives and consequences and can't seem to find a groove that works for them. I know these are *normal* mom frustrations, but they are just really getting to me lately. One of the frustrations I can't wait to be over is school mornings. Ugh. 85% of the time, they are a struggle and full of contention. I wake up with such good intentions for a good morning, and within 10 minutes I can be slapped in my tired face with whines, disobedience, and tears....and all the while the clock is ticking down to a tardy attendence. Can I really endure mornings for the next 20 years? BUT on a more positive note, I really love all the notes Jordyn writes and leaves around the house. Here is one of her most recent "left-overs" from a little role playing:

I cannot wait for my camera probs to be over. It's been like 2 months and now I'm awaiting my charger in the mail (from the place that fixed the camera and forgot to send it to me). I miss taking pics!!! I've been borrowing Lindy's or using my 1 megapixel cell phone.


britt said...

I hear you 100% about everything you said. I pray for patience and to start each day better-no yelling, more patience, but like you said something triggers it "all to quickly" and then we going in the negative direction AGAIN. Our NEW incentive is a bunny-OUR FIRST ATTEMPT at a pet! We shall see...

Chris Grover said...

ughhh, camera probs -- i hate that! i guess having it gone makes you realize how much you love having it and how much you use it! i cannot tell you how scared i get sometimes thinking about some of the very things that you are right in the middle of right now -- little fights, trying to get kids ready for school and there on time, etc, etc, etc. but the one thing that gives me hope is that somehow everyone manages to do it! haa! i bet those little notes from jordyn (and lots of other things) give you lots of moments of realizing that it's all worth it! and i think it is so cool that you are keeping harmony alive! what a neat tradition!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I love that picture of Peyton trying to turn on the dvd player with her feet. That's hillarious!! Sorry to hear about your friends leaving and those school issues. The one thing about motherhood that absolute me terrifies me is dealing with school issues. Like getting to school on time. Hopefully the next school year will be better for you and horray for summer vacation. It's almost around the corner.

Unknown said...

I know what it is like to have the "friend" changes. I am going through it right now believe it or not. I know I didn't move far but in Utah your ward (which is only the 3 blocks around you) are your friends so even moving 10 miles feels likes states away. You will conquer though- you are so awesome and people will cling to you and seek your friendship.