Tuesday, May 06, 2008

On My Honor....

I've mentioned before that Tucker is a scout master. But more specifically, he is a Venture Crew leader. The Venture Crew is specifically for 14-21 year old boys, and they focus more on high adventure in addition to the regular scouting program. Because our church supports the Boy Scouts of America program, his volunteer work with the scouts is considered his "calling" at church. The bishop assured Tucker he'd get to do this calling for at least 7 years!

He absolutely LOVES it. He puts a lot of heart and soul into what he does for these boys (14 of them). And I don't think they could ask for a better scout leader!! I have an extra reason to support him because my brother is a 17 year old scout right now and I'm so glad he's got such an enthusiastic example as Tucker! Ryan is close to getting his Eagle...how proud we'll be of him!

Right now their focus is certifying for scuba. Tucker certified a few years ago, but now 11 boys are certifying (wow!) and Tucker is going for his advanced certification. What a huge 'adventure' this has been!

These pictures are from this past Sunday. The first Sunday of every month, they have an Officer Meeting at our house. I guess I made them treats one too many times, because this time I had specific requests for my cookies! Would you believe that these boys ate about 75 cookies within an hour? Gotta love growing boys, huh?


Unknown said...

What a nice lady you are- making all those cookies. Here they divide the scouts from 14 to 15 and then 16 to 18. There are just so many of them. Ryan loved working with the 16 and older. I think he really misses it.

Chris Grover said...

chris may actually admit to missing his boys (a lot), though a lot of them typically complained about not taking their dairy pills or puked whenever they went on their bike rides! good job, tucker! and jamie, are those your chocolate chip oatmeal cookies? if so, i am still waiting for the recipe! maybe a cookie recipe post????

Janessa Couch said...

My husband has the same calling and they are working on their High Adventure. He is really excited. They are going white water rafting, rock climbing and hiking. It should be a lot of fun. I will not tell my husband that your boys are going scuba diving, he would be jealous. :)

sosilly said...

Much thanks for the service and sacrifice since Ryan is benefiting so much from the program!
Go Tucker!
Bake Jamie!
Dive Ryan!