Wednesday, May 14, 2008

About Me

I like to read other peoples Q & A, but I don't do much of my own. Fun way to journal things I may otherwise never write about!


Are you related to anyone famous? Nope

What's your sign? Taurus

What's your favorite fruit? Fresh pineapple

Do you like hot cheetos? Yes, once I start eating them, I can't stop!

Do you like cheesecake? Mmmm, yes. Especially chocolate cheesecake.

Do you have a lot of close friends? Yes. And they all mean a lot to me.

Are you quiet or loud? Can I say "medium"?

Do you ever just sit back and think about things? Sit back: no. Think about things: too much.

Are you easily amused? No. Not if I compare myself to my "easily amused" husband who often laughs out loud at commercials.

Do you like meeting new people? I'd say yes. I feel interested and curious about new people. Unless I'm too hungry, and then I can't focus on them.

What do you feel strongly about? Soda. (no, really, family. I am very loyal to my family)

Are you a compassionate person? I definitely try to be.

What's the last book you read? "Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers (eighth edition)"

Do you get bored easily? I think I used to. But now I can't remember the last time I felt bored.

Do you like celebrity gossip? I'm interested in the true gossip, I hate the fake stuff - but how do you ever know the difference? I usually just read whatever pops up on my yahoo home page.

Do you follow trends or do you try to be original? I wouldn't call myself original. And I wouldn't call myself REALLY trendy. But I do buy new (cheap) clothes often. Especially when I've had three pregnancies over the past 6 years....I'm always needing a different size/style!

Are you open about your feelings? Once I've figured out exactly what I'm feeling, yes. When I'm trying to figure them out, no.

Who do you confide in? That completely depends on the topic. I feel blessed to have various outlets.

Are you a different person around different people? I would say no. I'm just ME.

From 1 to 10 how shy are you? Well, as a kid I would have probably answered a 9, but now I don't really feel shy at all. If I'm quiet, it's simply because I don't feel like talking. So maybe a 1?

Are you a computer geek? Uh, no. But I like to try and figure stuff out.

Are you addicted to the internet? That fluctuates. But no. Online classes have helped me WANT to be off the computer.

Do you like coffee? If its very sweet. But I try not to partake.

Do you like to wear jewlery? Yep!

Your all time favorite band/singer? Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Guns N Roses, Bon Jovi......and how 'bout that NKOTB reunion tour?

Are you scared to kill spiders? No scared, just grossed out.

Do you believe in God? Of course.

Ever been in a fist fight? If you count my sister when we were young! (sorry Carly)

Do you have any siblings? 3 sisters, 1 brother

How do you treat somebody your mad at? Hmmm, I must not get mad at THAT many people. If it's Tucker, I'm quiet. If it's my girls, I might yell (I hate that about myself) and if it's someone else, I will probably just deal with it on my own.

Do you like to clean? I actually do, but not when the kids are behind me un-doing it all.

What kind of sense of humor do you have? Dry

How many pairs of shoes do you have? I would say 10-15. But ask me how many days a year I wear anything but flip-flops. (answer: maybe 52?

Can you keep a secret? If I REALLY have to. But I hate every second of it.

Do you like to go out to eat? YES! If I could go out to eat every day, I would. I love everything about it.

Do you cook? Only when I have to. Bake? All the time.

Do you like Halloween? I could take it or leave it.

What's you favorite season? I love every single thing about Spring. The weather, the flowers, the feeling.....I'm a little depressed that it's coming to an end right now.

Favorite month? March/April

Do you like shopping for gifts? Yes! I LOVE it.

What are you top 4 favorite TV shows? Grey's Anatomy, The Office, The Real World, Oprah (all DVR'd)

Do you play an instrument? If no what do you want to learn to play? The flute for 5 years growing I'd be rusty. And I can VERY slowly do the piano.

What's your favorite holiday? Christmas

Do you like smores? ONLY if the chocolate is very melted, which I am not usually patient enough to do. But I could eat the cracker and chocolate and ditch the marshmallow.

Favorite candy? Candy bar, probably Caramello. And otherwise anything sour.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy. Seriously. That's all I REALLY want to be.


Anonymous said...

I hate to burst your bubble on the first question, but in doing family history we are related to some great people. Lucille Ball in fact. Our 10 great grandfather is her 7th great grandfather. So very distant but still connected. =) Also Richard Nixon, Our 8th Grandmother is his 6th grandmother. I got it off of . It shows you the connection and all the people. It's really cool. That's just two of them.There's a list of about 15 of them or so. We are distantly connected to Bob hope and a Mayflower Passanger. It's really cool. =) I'll show you sometime.

Unknown said...

Thats funny about how you said you are sad spring is coming to an end, ours has BARELY started!

Katie said...

I love the post. I got to learn a little more about you. Thanks! These are the fun things about journaling.

Jamie and Family said...

Carly (a.k.a. amazing memory girl) thanks for the family history lesson! :-)

Daytrippingmom Media said...

Love the post I think i'm going to borrow it and use it on my blog.. I hope you watch the today show this morning for the NKOTB reunion concert.

sosilly said...

Would you like to make a date to the Cheesecake Factory
and try all their cheesecakes! MOM