Monday, May 19, 2008

All in a Day's Drive

Saturday was my Mom Shirl's (my paternal grandma's) 82nd birthday. We've always called her "Mom Shirl" instead of grandma. She is the cutest, sweetest lady ever. Lindy, myself and my Dad drove down to Anaheim for a nice dinner celebrating her birthday. A long day in the car, but totally worth it! And, hey, I was kid-less so I wasn't complaining!

Me and Mom Shirl

Me and cuz Kelly

My Dad, his sister's Deane and Toni and Mom Shirl

The group after dinner!

Two of my sisters, Lindy and Kristy (living in So Cal now) and I.

And then we did a quick stop at my other Grandma's house since we were 5 minutes away. I get to see my sweet grandmas so much less than I'd like to. So each minute is so precious to me, especially as they get older. She hasn't been herself lately, but somehow we caught her in a great window and she was so happy and spunky! She was dancing around with her cute canes and showing us her new shoes.

It was quite the whirlwind trip, but I'm so glad we went. As life gets busier, visits with loved ones are too few and far between. Thanks, Lindy and Dad, for going with me!


Unknown said...

We stopped to see my grandparents on the way to bear lake on Friday. I seem to see them less and less and it makes me sad. These little trips are priceless. Your mom sherl looks just the same as 15 years ago, how is that possible? I am so glad you got to do this.

Janessa Couch said...

I remember spending the night at your Grandmas house years ago with Carly. She looks just like I remembered her.

Tara said...

WOW, time just speeds up doesn't it? I only remember your grandmothers as much younger. I am worried when I see my grandmother, I have seen so little of her in the past 6 or 7 years, and they change so fast in their old age. It is really great that you were able to go down for the visit, and childless, that makes it even better! :) (see you this weekend!)

britt said...

it is nice you got to do that. now that my parents are gone for 2 years, I'm not sure how often I will see my grandma(s). it is good to see them still in good health though, when we get a chance, isn't it?!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

What a great trip. I think it's a wonderful thing that you drove down for your grandmas birthday and that you snuck in a visit with Grandma Nadeanne. It brought a big smile to my face to see that picture of Grandma Nadeanne. We need to see more of her especially since we live only a couple of minutes away.

Chris Grover said...

how cool, jamie! it's funny how much more important these kinds of trips become the older WE get and the older THEY get. i miss my grandmas all the time! and just to get caught up here, i bought all the stuff to try out your cookies -- just need to get around to making them! i can't wait to try them! my mouth has been salivating ever since you mentioned them! oatmeal choc chip are my absolute favorite!! by the way, you look soooo beautiful in these pictures! your hair is awesome, as always!