Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Today I am Thankful

Today I am thankful for the beauty of this time of year. It is definitely my favorite. I guess I'm lucky then because here in CA, our spring is fairly long and has lasted from February until now. (You might not hear me sound so optimistic in a month when it's 115). I find so much joy in watching the budding trees, flowers and food. Here are a few edibles from my yard that are so cute!



My first apples! (fugi)

Roma tomatoes


Janessa Couch said...

It is amazing how or seasons are so different. I just panted my tomatoes two weeks ago and you almost have ripe tomatoes. We have blackberries growing here everywhere along the sides of the roads. It is pretty fun to go berry picking. You are making my mouth water.

britt said...

You may need to give me some advice on FOOD growing. I got some uprooted plants from quinns mom a few weeks ago and I think they are ALL dead. HHHMMM. and it feels like what I have planted recently in our flower beds are not doing so hot either. I am beginning to think I am maybe BAD LUCK for plants!

Tara said...

I can't tell you how much I miss California growing. The summers are so short here. My herbs are taking FOREVER to grow, (but that didn't stop me from planing so many, I have 20 now;o) but I won't plant anything else, my tomatos were still green at the end of last summer. I am proud of you for planting eddibles, they scare some people. Yours look great Jay, pretty soon, you will have a Ron Heinzen backyard! (Don't forget to prune the trees and thin the fruit, but not at the same time!)

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I also love this time of year. I'm trying to grow some herbs and well they aren't doing very well. You definitely have a green thumb. Your tomotoes look great!!