Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Little Helper

Seeing Peyton develop and learn new things is equally as thrilling for me as it was when Jordyn and Lexi were this age. It hasn't lost its excitement the third time around!

I was telling Tucker last night that I hope he never dies on me because no one else would have the same deep rooted pride and admiration for our kids that we both do. Not to sound morbid, but I'm sure most everyone shares this same fear about their spouse dying. And there are a million reasons why I wouldn't want that, but one of them is that I would really miss seeing him feel just as thrilled at any little thing the girls do as I am!

Peyton is 16 1/2 months old. She is such a fun kid!

  • Jordyn and Lexi just love her. I've really enjoyed this three year age gap. Lexi always says "Mom, PeyPey is so cute!".

  • She is obsessed with swinging. Lately the weather has been soooooo perfect, so our back door is always open. Several times per day I'll hear "Mama, mama!" coming from the back yard and I immediately know that means she is on the big 4-person swing waiting for me.

  • In 5 weeks Peyton will be in the nursery at church! Hooray for us!

  • She is a very affectionate girl. She gives kisses and hugs very willingly.

  • Peyton loves her sisters. When she gets up from a nap, she squeals with excitement when we walk out in the living room....and if they are gone at school, she is dissapointed.

  • She's quite the little mimic-er. She can always be found with a purse, a baby, a cell phone (she holds it with her shoulder and says "yeah....yeah" like she's really agreeing with someone), a tooth brush or her vacuum.

  • She loves books and always brings one to me saying "book".

  • Pey loves music and will "lead the music" with her arms all the time.

  • I don't think she could love Belle or Kitty any more than she does!

  • She's still a strange sleeper. She's up like 4 times per night. Sometimes quick for a drink and sometimes long and crying, for hours, with no explanation.

  • She talks a ton! The other day she was playing hide-and-seek with Tucker and the girls and she was saying "Daddy....wuh ahhh you?"

Seems hard to catch them doing their *thing* on camera, but I caught a little video of Pey showing off a bit....


Jill said...

She's so cute, Jamie! They get big so fast! I love this cute age!

britt said...

She is at a fun age!
I really like your barstools, I noticed them as you were chasing her around with the camera.
miss ya

Melvin and Carly said...

I'm amazed you got her to "perform" for the camera! So cute. I loved seeing her sign. Signing Time is having auditions right now - I'll email you the link so you can check it out. You have to go to Utah for it, though, which is why we probably won't try it.

Beth said...

That was a great capture of her vocabulary. I love the stage where they repeat when you ask. very cute!