Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I just have to say....

....how much I HAAAAATTTTTEEEE when my face/eyes are puffy. I hate that there is NO rhyme, reason or cure. Nothing helps. Today, the fifth day, I woke up hoping it would be better and instead its worse. I feel like I have red ants on my eyes and a touniquet on my face! Even my brain feels swollen. The whole things just makes me feel tired, irritable and ugly.

Here's to a fun spring break! With the kids home ALL week and me feeling extra irritated. Please let tomorrow be better!!!!


Tara said...

It just makes me mad that no one has been able to figure that out? I mean, there has GOT to be SOMEONE in the medical field who can explain what is happening to you!?! I feel so sad that you go through this so often? Have you bugged your doctor about sending you to specialists? I am so sorry you are going through this, it sounds miserable. I'm praying tomorrow will be better for you! love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie-Remember me from Maryland? I suffer from the same swelling problem and we've emailed back and forth about it, timeshares and California?? Anyway, I am so sorry this is happening to you AGAIN! I truly know what it is like and I HATE it too. Are you on any perm. meds? I have tried them all but take Zyrtec 2 times a day and have since it started.I am finally (fingers crossed) I hope getting over it as I haven't had an episode in 7 months. I am going on having this condition 4 years now. I tried to go off Zyrtec on my own but my symptoms started so I went right back on. Hang in there. I know it is hard. I wish I was there so I could help with your kids as I know how hard it is and how you probably just want to stay in bed under the covers until the sweiing goes down. I couldn't believe how exhausted the episodes made me. I wish you the best. Kris

Janessa Couch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janessa Couch said...

My last post did not show the link correctly so I had to redo the post. Sorry about that. I had to put spaces inbetween the web address because it did not fit on the comments.

It sounds so awful. I am so sorry that you have to go through that. I googled some of your symptoms, which I can bet that you have already done and this is what I came up with:

Eliza2006 said...

Yucky. Sorry you are dealing with that again and with all of the kids home for the week. Our spring break is next week. I can't wait!


Unknown said...

Is it related to your arthritis problem? My mom had to change all of her laundry soap, bath soap, perfume,and lotion because she is sooo sensitive. I wish I could be there and help you out. I'll pray for you:)

Jamie and Family said...

Thank you all for your concern and suggestions! I will try anything. Katie, I've thought about it being related to arthritis, since that's an autoimmune issue. Hmmm. I need to up my vitamins and Omega oils!

Beth said...

That was Dane's first impression to that it was related, but knowing why doesn't make it anymore bearable unless something could be done. I hope you wake up tomorrow and its better. It is extra challenging to have the kids home if your not feeling good. It is such a awful mystery and reality for you.

Chris Grover said...

jamie, i'm sure none of us can imagine just how truly frustrating this must be for you. the unexplained issues are always the worst. i hope, hope, hope it gets better really soon and that someone can help you figure out what the heck is going on.