Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our Saturday

Lexi's internal clock is never turned off, and she is up at 7:00 am on the dot. Today was no different. For about 30 minutes I tried to convince myself it was possible to go back to sleep.

After realizing that my attempt was in vain, I decided to get up and browse a few local garage sales. My goal was simple: outdoor toys. I was only out for about 30 minutes, and $10 later I brought home a Little Tikes baby carriage, a [Peyton sized} scooter thing and a Little Tikes basketball hoop. Not bad, huh? The girls were very excited! (translation: thanks mom, more things to fight over!).

I can't get over this weather lately. I just LOOOOVVVEE it. For about 6 weeks it has been hovering around 70. My backdoor is open all day, kids are in and out and I don't have to worry about flies or cool/hot air escaping the house. It's just perfect. So the girls played outside for hours.

In the mid-morning, Tucker did some scouting stuff and when he got home we got the girls ready to go to the movies with him. He took them to Horton Hears a Who. Which was perfect timing for me because Peyton went down for her nap and I got about three hours of schoolwork finished. He even brought me home three chocolate covered strawberries from my favorite place (you better believe they are all gone)!

After some cleaning and more playing outside, we took the kids to dinner at Quiznos. Casual and yummy. We briefly pondered going shopping all together as a family, but then quickly realized we were crazy to do that at 6:30 pm on Saturday night, so I took Peyton to Wal-Mart and Tucker brought Jordyn and Lex home for baths. Doesn't that sound like great teamwork?

I like Saturdays like this. A good mix of fun and work. I enjoy them when I can because all too often there is a camp out or some kind of scouting thing Tucker is involved in. It was a great day!


Tara said...

That is what I would call a nearly perfect and productive Saturday. (no day is "perfect", but when you feel like you had fun family time and work done as well, that's pretty darn close!) YOu look great Jay! Pey looks so big! I love Jordyn's face, that age cracks me up! Good job!

Janessa Couch said...

Yard sales are the best in the central valley. You can find a yard sale in the middle of December there. I am glad that you found such fun things. I am glad that you had such a fun day. It makes my week so happy when we get out of the house and go somewhere. I do not like to be cooped up. Keep up the good school work!!!

Beth said...

I love going out to eat on Saturday. Gotta enjoy this weather while it lasts.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

Sounds like a great Saturday!! Productive and Fun days are the best. Good job on your garage sale finds. I usually wake up to late and never find anything good.

britt said...

those kind of days feel great! You feel like you have accomplished things, but had fun too! And family time! Great garage sale finds too!!