Monday, March 31, 2008

Jordyn and the Beanstalk

So, can anyone help me understand what will happen to this little fast-growing beanstalk that Jordyn planted in Kindergarten? Its sitting on my counter, and every day we wake up and it's twice as big. I'm not sure how long its worth nurturing. Any thoughts?


Beth said...

Wow! Maybe plant it in your backyard and see what happens? YOu might get some beans this summer.

Unknown said...

I "accidentally" kill things like that:)

Tara said...

Jamie, get that plant in a cup or pot ASAP, take a chop stick or wire, (I bent some wire in a heart shape, of course, for Joshua's plant, and Jade's past bean plants), gently twist the plant around the stick or wire, and let it grow. The kids have SO much fun eating the sweet crunchy little bean pods that grow. Don't give it up to die, it's a fun little thing that doesn't last long. Keep it by the window and don't overwater it. Good luck, take pictures of how it's doing later on if it survives you! ;)

btw-I have never had one in a place we could plant it outside, that might be a better idea, as long as no one pees on it. :)

Eliza2006 said...

fun. I'd plant it!