Friday, March 28, 2008

Flashback Friday

Shana, Jammie, Becky, Melinda, Me and Katie

Can someone PLEASE explain to me how in the holy heck it has been 13 years since I graduated from High School?

How does that happen?

In some ways, I feel like the exact same person and can remember feelings and events from my teenage years with such clarity.

And in other ways I can't believe some of the choices I made and things I thought back then....and I realize I am not the same exact person.

How can that be?

I love this picture of me with 5 of my closest girlfriends. I was so blessed to have these 5 close friends in the same year of school. SO blessed. Each of them made a big impact on me and I still love to see each of them when I get the [seldom] chance.

I often think of my own girls in 10 years as teenagers and I have such a deep hope that they have GOOD FRIENDS. They can be your closest allies during the teenage know, when your family is not so cool anymore. That won't ever happen, will it?

I also often think of what I would tell myself if I could give myself advice as a 14-18 year old young woman. Here are just a few things:

  • Spend more time making memories with your family
  • Don't get so broken hearted over boys
  • Don't date boys 5 years older than yourself
  • If you decide to go to parties, ALWAYS be the designated driver. But it would be best to not go in the first place.
  • Don't be so self-conscious. You are NOT fat. And people will like you more if you smile at them.
  • Remember, your younger siblings watch EVERY THING you do. You are teaching them.
  • Don't keep journals of things you don't want your parents to read about, and then accidentally leave it on the dining room table when you go to school.

And there are definitely more, but I'm sure my kids will read this someday and I'll decide then how detailed I want to be :-)

I'm not sure that I'd re-do my high school years if given the chance, but there are so many things that I still reflect on and realize how much I learned. Its such a time of exploring who you are and who you want to be. Thank you girls, for helping me through those crazy years!


Beth said...

Happy to see flashback fridays again. You look the same. I pray my kids can be surrounded by good friends like that.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I love your Flashback Friday posts!!

Tara said...

Jade thinks you are VERY wise! She said she will have to keep those things in mind during the next few years. (some of them :) I agree, where did all that time go? But you have a better memory than I do, I can hardly remember anything from high school.

Eliza2006 said...

Such a cute pic. I think the reason I hated HS was because I only had a couple of friends that weren't really great friends. Even though I didn't have many friends, I think I had the exact pair of shorts you are wearing in that pic...

Unknown said...

I have that picture some where too. We seriously do look like girls- Sometimes I think I haven't changed that much but then I look at the laugh lines. The lines around my eyes, the stomach that has had 3 babies in it, the stretch marks.. etc. And, wisdom has come too. We did have great times though and great friends. I love you all too.

Janessa Couch said...

That is great that you are still in contact with each of them. After 7 years I just became in contact with my best friend from High School. It is strange to see how different we are and how different we have become. I look back at my high school pictures and I also thought I was fat. I used to wear a size 4! It is crazy how young people think.

britt said...

I often find myself thinking how did I "all of sudden" become married & a mom of three. I know it didn't happen over night, but sometimes I can't believe where the time has gone! High School, for me, feels like another lifetime. I am so grateful, too, for the times I had growing up and the things I have learned along the way. Crazy!

Grammy said...

Well, Jamie, just wait until you can look back and say it's been 35 YEARS since you were in High School. Ya, that's where I'm at. I am still in touch with a couple of my dear friends, though, and was very blessed to have good friends.