Tuesday, February 05, 2008

How often?

I won't admit how often I clean out my fridge. I don't mean just throwing out old stuff, because I AM obsessed with that (I can't stand expired stuff). I mean taking out shelves and scrubbing it.

I'll give you a hint. I've had the fridge for 3 1/2 years. And I think I've scrubbed it out [top to bottom] a total of: less than 1 time. Embarassing? Yes. Gross? Yes.

But is it clean NOW? YES!!

I got home from Costco and could not stand it another second. Now, its not only clean......but it's stocked full.

I love it when my fridge is stocked full. It almost makes me want to tell everyone they can't eat it so it can stay that way. But that would be really wierd. No seriously, I love to have an abundance of food so I can feed my family, and also family or friends that happen to stop by. And what a blessing it is!
How often do YOU clean out your fridge?


sosilly said...

Only as often as someone will do it for me!

Unknown said...

3 times a year

Chelley said...

maybe every 6 months


maybe not!! LOL

julie said...

Lets just say that I am one of those people who should not be allowed to own a fridge! I don't like to clean and there is always old, old, old stuff in there. For example I have an unopened carton of egg not that expired two months ago! I need a maid!

Eliza2006 said...

Only when it stinks and even then only as a last resort!


Katie said...

clean out: every 5 or 6 months
Scrub: Married 5 years...scrubbed (I think)once or twice. :P Eek!
I'm with you...only, my fridge is usually bare after I throw out the expired stuff.

Chris Grover said...

I was quite proud the other day because I cleaned the top shelf -- yes, only the top shelf. There were some bottle rings and other gunk that I couldn't stand looking at any longer, so I went ahead and cleaned that top shelf! And then I stopped! That tells you how committed I am to cleaning out my fridge! I may get to shelf #2 one of these days. We'll see!

Carlotta said...

That is a committed project. You have to have ALL day it feels like. I am gun hoe at the beginning and then , die towards the end. Hmm... I have some syrup that needs to be cleaned up and a container that should just be THROWN out. Never home.

Tara said...

I just wipe up the spills that show so I can keep the illusion. But really, we have never been anywhere with a fridge longer than 2 years, and I have to clean each time we move. Who knows what monster will grow now that I am here for a while?

Beth said...

A shelf here and there, but an overhaul everycouple years or when my Mom comes to visit. The last time I did it though I was amazed how dirty it really was.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I'm a bit of a weirdo I guess with my fridge.. It gets cleaned every one to two weeks. and I scrub it down every month.. I know I'm a weirdo..

Grammy said...

The fridge cleaning is a big deal. I remember my mom doing it once a month. It was an old thing, that got ice on the little tiny freezer box and she would let it all melt off. I tried that at first, but have learned that it is easier to do a shelf or drawer at at time. (like the Fly Lady teaches) Just do 15 minutes and call it done and then next week do the same thing.

Your fridge looks beautiful, clean and well stocked. Way to go! You ambitions girl.