Monday, February 04, 2008

La la la la la la la la la

I'm not big on commercials. I guess maybe most people aren't? Normally I can tune them out. But I just happened to be married to someone who loves them and often laughs out loud at them. So I get a little out of touch with the general population's feelings on commercials.

Also, we have a DVR, which means we fast fwd >>>> most miscellaneous programming.

But, occasionally there will be an exception and a commercial will catch my attention. Like lately, the new MacBook ad. You know that REALLY skinny Mac laptop that they pull out of the envelope? Every time it comes on, I find myself really liking the song playing in the commercial. So I googled it (don't you love how google is a verb?).

I guess I'm not alone! Apparently lots of people have asked the same thing. It's a song called "New Soul" by Israeli artist Yael Naim. Check it out on my sidebar. I love it.


Beth said...

That's what I should have done with my fish!

Tara said...

Wow, I didn't realize how out of touch I am with TV. I watch my few favorite shows online the next day, and that's it. I didn't even know there was a Mac laptop like that. This song is so beautiful, and I love her voice! Thank you for doing this post Jay, I wouldn't know anything about new cool songs if it were not for blogs, seriously! I will play Karli's blog music sometimes just to hear new sounds, I love her style, and yours too. When you find cool stuff like this, keep sharing, there might be a few more stuck-in-the-past moms like me who only learn about new stuff through their cool friends like you. :)