Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Can You Help?

On Sunday night I got a semi-urgent call from a friend in the ward "Can you help? The missionaries don't have a dinner appointment for Tuesday night....can you feed all four of them?"

Uhhhh (thinking to myself.....I'm usually willing, but this isn't the best week, hmmm)......yeah, sure I'll do it. Service equals blessings, right? I could use a few blessings.

Knowing I was going to feed 4 young men around the age of 20, I figured I'd better make plenty of food. The menu:
  • Baked potatoes (baked in the oven in olive oil and garlic)
  • Caesar salad
  • Lemon alfredo chicken
  • carrots
  • rolls
  • brownies from scratch

I like to treat these boys the same way I'd want someone to feed my son (if I had one and if he were on a two year mission for the church). The girls think its fun when missionaries come over.

So you can imagine my confusion when 30....




......minutes went by, and still no missionaries at my door. Admittedly, I was a little irritated by this point. With no answer on their cell phone, we decided to go ahead and eat.

I was so glad I invited Lindy and her kids over, so at least SOMEone else enjoyed some dinner. Because Tucker was a pretty boring dinner guest since he was overtaken by the flu.

120 minutes later, when the missionaries called to say they got "tied up" and "already grabbed something to eat", I was still working hard on not feeling irritated.

But don't worry, I worked through it by eating at least 20 of my homemade brownies.


Tara said...

Being on "the Lord's work" doesn't give them the right to be inconsiderate.....no matter how cute they may be! That was a bit on the rude side, you are very understanding to take it so well. Poor Tucker, I feel his pain! Hopefully he is better soon!

Unknown said...

What a bummer. We seriously have never had the missionaries over- it is a fight to feed them around here. When ever there is a list passed around it is full after the first row gets it. I feel the same as you though- I want to treat them right, as of now I have two potential missionaries of my own and RYan's brothers leave soon too. SOO weird!

Janessa Couch said...

We had that happen a couple of weeks ago. We turned down a dinner appt because we were feeding the missionaries and when they did not show up I was so mad. I spoke with them the following Sunday and they did not apologize or anything. They just made excuses. I later found they have done this a couple of times. UGH! If I had a son I hope that he would not do that to someone. Luckily you still had some good company.

britt said...

They could have at least called "earlier" huh. Well at least you had some leftovers, I'm sure. And all the more brownies for YOU and your hard work! What a saint you are!!

Melvin and Carly said...

I know how that goes. A similar thing happened to us, except the missionaries never did call to say why they didn't come and never said anything about it later. Oh well. I can understand how it happens, having been a missionary, but I hope I never did that. The saddest part about it was that Audrey and Dallin LOVE to have the missionaries come and they were disappointed. Since Melvin works in the evenings, there are only a few days a month when we are even able to have them come. But, it meant more homemade pizza for us and I didn't have to make dinner the next day!

Katie said...

Oh that's the pits. But it is nice that you were so willing to go all out!

Anonymous said...

Two words: Little Caesars.

Their $5 pizza is the quick, cheap, easy way to go. I don't know if they have those up there. While it is always good to feed the missionaries, I would never go out of my way to cook for them. As a former missionary, I was just happy to be fed, it didn't matter where the food came from.