Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Jo-Lyn

Oh Jordyn, Jo Jo, Jo-Lyn......

There are so many things to say about my Jordyn. I haven't done a post dedicated to her in a while, so I think it's time.

Jordyn will be 6 years old in 6 weeks. She is a passionate child. Sometimes the word "intense" slips out of my mouth, but I think "passionate" has a more positive conotation. She feels things so strongly - whether it be happy, sad, mad or curious - that it just oozes out of her.

Jordyn is my incredibly helpful oldest child. She naturally assumes this role in our family. She is very aware, especially of MY feelings (pressure!) and she is an extremely quick learner. She has [nearly] effortlessly excelled in Kindergarten. I think the transition of full day Kindergarten was a little hard at first, but now she is in the groove. She loves her teacher and loves going to school. Jordyn has tested in the top 99% of kids in her school and is in the top reading group. She LOVES to read. She always wants to read to Lexi....and Lexi usually obliges for a while, and then starts to say "you go too slow Jordyn". Jordyn is an eager child. She also loves her daddy and has his daring streak. She is always willing to try something new and usually loves it. Jordyn is a happy and enthusiastic child.

Jordyn is also challenging in some ways for me right now. Her "leadership qualities and passion for life" sometimes come across as "controlling and physically agressive [with Lexi]". I want SO badly to help her to steer these behaviors in the right direction, but that can get very confusing when I am angry and exhausted from dealing with repeat behavior for the 100+ time. I'm sure if I were watching myself as an outsider, I'd have tons of advice. But its totally different when you are emotionally entwined. I honestly don't know how to get her to stop hitting and pushing Lexi when she's frustrated. And what's more confusing is she is not even 1% like this at school. She also has been very disrespectful to me for like 6 months. Sticking her tongue out and slamming her door and even telling me "no" in a very teenager-like tone. I try to stay calm and ask her to go to her room, or take a quarter out of her jar or put a frowny face on her chart....I've tried so many different techniques. I just don't want to handle it the WRONG way and make it worse. Maybe I should get the Supernanny here to give me some pointers? And what's so interesting about raising children, they are SOOOO different. What I learn from my relationship with Jordyn will hardly help me with Lexi because they are so completely different in literally almost every way. Not good, not bad, just different.

Even with the challenges, I love Jordyn SO much and I am thankful for the way she challenges me, the way she loves me, the things I learn from being her Mom.

Here are some pics of her recent "Transportation" field trip.

Always reading!

Jordyn with her class

Getting on the train!

Jordyn and Daddy

Jordyn and Freddy, her "boyfriend", as she likes to say


Beth said...

She's a darling! I can't believe she's going to be 6! She's a great friend to Lindsay, and I think all her challenging charecteristics will transform into an amazing adult.

Eliza2006 said...

FWIW I saw you in action this week and I think you are doing a great job. Seriously. You are patient and kind yet firm. Jordyn will grow up to be a lovely lady because she had you for a mom. I want to be the kind of mom to Eliza that you are to your kids. Don't doubt yourself.


Unknown said...

I can't believe she is going to be 6. That is so crazy- so much has happened in those 6 years. Kids are hard- but I try to remind myself that they will only be harder when they are teenagers- at least now they still idolize us and appreciate things we do for them. You are a great mom and remember that- because your kids don't tell you enough!

britt said...

Ok Jordyn sounds soooo much like Ame! Both academically, personality, and all. It is challenging, but like Kaite said at least they appreciate us now, and those disrespectful things now, quickly become I love you's and easily forgotten, unfortunately I DON'T think that will always be the case.
I know you are a great mom and remember we learn through trial and error and lucky for our kids WE love them so much we will never give up!

Tara said...

She is so beautiful! Reminds me alot of Jade. I wouldn't worry too much Jay, just being in the family she is in, those "passionate" tendancies will evolve and reflect the daily values in your home. It seems like they go through phases as they evolve and you just do your best to work with them through each phase. Seriously though, I have come to the opinion that I do not need to stress as much as I used to about Jade's "intensities". I just address the behavior as it comes, and eventually, she "gets it", and figures out what behavior has positive and negative consequences, and she almost always chooses to NOT get punished. :) You are doing great. I just wish I had not stressed so much when she was younger, I wasted alot of time. It's frustrating, I know, but give yourself pats on the back, keep plugging through, and just know that she WILL "get it" eventually and figure out how to direct her passionate behavior. :) Jade still drives me up the wall sometimes, I have stories to tell, but there are so many wonderful things that come with her personality, that are so different from Josh. It's always an adventure, right?