Sunday, January 27, 2008

We'll Miss You

I was very saddened to hear of the death of the President of our church tonight (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). I have been consistently inspired by President Hinckley over the past nearly 13 years he has served as our Prophet. His life of 97 years was devoted to serving millions of people and testifying of God and his Son Jesus Christ. Though sad, I am also so happy for him that he is now reunited with his wife.

President Hinckley was personable.

He was funny.

He was steadfast.

He was smart.

And most of all he was an example of immeasurable faith.

We will miss you President Hinckley!


britt said...

I was saddened as well. I was somewhat shocked, or maybe caught off guard more than anything. At his age it was only time, but as you mentioned I will definitely miss soo many things about him!

Tara said...

I was a little sad, but honestly, I am SO happy he gets to be with his wife again. Since she died, I have kind of wished he could join her, it must have been so lonely for him without her.