Wednesday, January 16, 2008

But WHY Mommy?

How would YOU answer your four year old when she catches part of "The Biggest Loser" and wants to know (incessantly) why the man's "breasts" are showing on T.V.......when they look like this? She could not understand why it was okay for men's "breasts" to show when its not okay for women's....especially when they look the SAME (or....close enough).

None of my answers seemed to satisfy her....and I can see why, it would be confusing!

Oh and by the way, I found this pic off the internet....and I'm hoping that weight from a different country and is NOT in lbs or I am crawling in a hole if THAT is what 144 lbs looks like!


Tara said...

That guy could be 4'6" or something? But when we were in Spain, my weight was closer to that number, and I had to remember it was something like 2 or 3 lbs to a kilo? Sorry, I forgot exactly, since it has been 4 years, but if you got this pic from another country, it very well could be that guy was more like 350lbs and is now 200-something. I know I sound ignorant about measurements right now, but it's the best I can do with my brain at the moment. Also, I have long and honest talks with my kids about nutrition and being active, and how not taking proper care of the body God gave you, can make you unhealthy and fat. And that's what an overweight person looks like. AND it is really, really hard to loose weight once you get really big, so try not to get that way! I have had these talks with Jade since she was around 4, and it's amazing what they understand. It's good to have open discussions with them. Keep it up Jay, you are doing great!

Carlotta said...

I am laughing so hard! Of course now alyson is curious as to what I am laughing at which could lead to a 20hr discusion! That is a good question. Kids really do make u stop and think about things that we as adults just may not , because we get it. Oh lexi lou!

Eliza2006 said...

That is pretty funny...and obscene!


Unknown said...

That is hilarious! We have these conversations a lot- because I don't care if Cooper is shirtless in the house. Savannah just doesn't get it but she will one day.

Beth said...

Thanks for giving me a good laugh before I go to sleep tonight. Innocence can be so entertaining!

Chris Grover said...

Ohhh, that was good for some early morning giggles! I don't even know what I would say to a question like that! Because really, those ARE some man boobs and probably SHOULD be covered up! Am I allowed to say "boobs" on a blog?! Or should I be calling them man breasts?!

Bubbly Faces said...

That is soooooooo funny!! I think my Seth would probably ask that that some question. Hope everything is going well.