Thursday, January 03, 2008


Ugh, this kid!! She is so stinkin' cute and so fun! But she is also a little posessed lately. I vote that its teething. But last night I told Tucker maybe she has some terminal illlness that's causing her to be posessed?
For two weeks now, she has been a crying, sleepless child. It's getting pretty old by now. I'll put her to bed at her normal 8:00.....and often she'll wake up HYSTERICAL an hour later and will NOT go back to sleep. So I get her up and she is completely happy playing. Usually, I can get her back to sleep 2-3 HOURS later (and that is after much screaming, and protest). Sometimes this will happen from 1 am to 4 am, which is the worst. I have tried everything imagineable to change this. The only good part is she is sleeping until 11:00 because of her bad night sleep! This has been great during Christmas break because I can get lots of stuff done before she gets up....but next week when school starts again it will be hard!

I'm sure its a phase and it will pass because thats proven to be the case with any hard stage my kids have gone through. But how much longer can I endure??? I'm sure she's cutting her molars, which I'd be fussy and sleepless if I had toothaches too, so I'll be patient with her. Like they say, "its a good thing she's cute!".


britt said...

I can relate to the sleepless nights. It's soo hard...Pretty much all of my kids have been difficult night sleepers, and never sleep throught the night. Ash was up 4 TIMES the other night. I try to let him cry for a while, but he is a fighter, and I don't want him to wake the entire house.
Ame still comes to our room, even with the "magic spray" for her room and bribes, she is still a challenge!
Kaipo just wakes up early, but usually sleeps through the night.

I guess b4 we know it they will be "teeneagers" up late and won't want us around, so I should just be patient and grateful they WANT me close! RIGHT?!

Tara said...

she is SOOOOO cute, I can't stand it!!!! Not looking forward to the teething part, it took Eddie nearly 6 months of crying, fussy, drooling before he cut his first, and another month for his second, yuck!

Tara said...

also, for Britt, you won't like the "up late" part of pre-teens, they are grouchy and emotional as all get when they do not have the sleep they need. The drop of a spoon will set them off. I just got melatonin to help Jade get to sleep, she likes to stay up till midnight reading. Girls get SO emotional when they do not get sleep! if it's not one phase, it's another, they ALL drive us crazy at times. :)

Mike & Lindy said...

I can totally relate to the "terminal illness or some sort of cancer" thinking! I have had those thoughts on several occassions with Lyric. We must get it from mom!
At first glance, Peyton totally looked like Tucker! Hopefully those teeth will pop through and she'll be back to her jolly happy self!

Beth said...

It is so far the hardest part of motherhood for me. I just wish I could get inside their little minds and see why they wake up so much. I think Luke just thinks it is fair that I rock him all night long. call me when you decide to finally take a nap.

Chris Grover said...

Oh man, I hear ya! Kaiya has been fighting sleep for the last week or so and I think it has been hard for me because it is so unusual for her! (I know, quit complaining, Karli!) It's just so hard when you try everything under the sun and yet nothing seems to work and you just can't figure out what it is that they need or want! I must say the whole teething thing scares me, so hopefully I'll be up to the challenge! I had to laugh when you said that Peyton will be so happy when you get her up because that's totally Kaiya! She acts like she's not the least bit tired, even though she should be a zombie at that point! Wishing you much luck that the phase comes to an end soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,

Just an idea--Nicholas started having night terrors at about 1 year old. This meant he'd wake up after being asleep for about an hour, and would scream hysterically. You could not touch him, as he was half asleep/half awake, and it would make it worse. His pediatrician suggested I wake him up after he'd been asleep for 30 minutes. This resets the body's internal clock somehow. Anyway, after months of going through this, it actually worked! (And he'd go right back to sleep.) Just a thought. It might be worth a try.