Monday, January 07, 2008

Spreading Sunshine

If nothing else, I hope my children grow up learning compassion and service for others. I believe this is key to a well-rounded and happy person.

And since I love to bake, it gives us lots of opportunities to deliver treats to others! The girls love this and, though it is a small act, I think it gives them a glimpse into how wonderful it is to think of someone else.

A few days ago, we took cookies to my sister and my Mom. Just a simple "thank you" to Lindy for helping me with the girls a lot lately, and a "welcome home" to my mom. The girls were thrilled! It was pouring rain outside, and they did NOT care. They insisted on taking up the cookies themselves. It makes me so happy to see them learning to serve and care about others.


Debbie said...

good job jamie, service is a wonderful thing to teach your kids and you do such a great job at it.

those cookies look so dang good. i wish i had those delivered to me:)

Beth said...

That's what I was thinking, yummy! Glad your mom made it back safe.

Eliza2006 said...

I want to be like you when I grow up!


Chris Grover said...

Amen! I could not agree more! Therein lies real happiness -- losing yourself to help someone else! You are teaching your girls such valuable lessons of life and even better, it tastes good while you're teaching! By the way, I've been meaning to mention to you how much I like your new banner! That is the cutest picture of your family! And did you like the song?!

Grammy said...

You are becoming so much like your mom in that area. I always said her middle name was "service." Great job with your kids.