Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day #3

Today we were up bright and early at 5:30 am (can you say v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n?). We got up and got out the door early to get to Hanauma Bay for snorkeling. The thing is, just getting to Hanauma Bay is a lot of work! It was an hour drive, a long walk and an instructional video. Then we rented snorkeling gear, had potty stops and finally set up camp at the bay. Its crazy how many climates we can experience in a few hour stretch: sunny & rainy, cloudy & windy, cold & rainy, hot & sunny, and the list goes on and on.

The kids had a lot of meltdowns at first....but we got into a good groove and ended up having a great time! We saw lots of fish, played in the sand....and no one got sunburned. High fives to us!


This is the view from our time share!

This is how we get lunch made for everyone!

Aren't we a cute family?

All ten of us!

It was great when the tears finally stopped and the playing began!

Tucker was very pleased that Jordyn was willing to try snorkeling! She did snorkle for a while, until a very large colorful fish swam right infront of her mask. She jumped up and into Tucker's arms, saying, "I'm done, Daddy, hold me." Tucker was quite amused.

Peyton took a nap on the beach (all of 20 minutes).

Jordyn and Lindsay

Tucker, Dane and the kids

Beth and I keep discussing how much work it is to have these cute babies on our trip. It makes it quite different, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

My little Lexi Lou!

Can you see all of the colorful fish that swam with us today? Twards the end of the day all of us stood out in the water and let them to come to us. This was fun for some, but Lexi wanted NOTHING to do with it. She was in our arms and wouldn't even put her toes back in.


julie said...

Looks like fun! I am envious seeing you on the beach when I look out the window and see MORE snow! It won't stop! Your swim suit is really cute too!

Eliza2006 said...

Yes, you are a very, very cute family! You are documenting this trip so well. I almost feel like I'm there with you...almost, but not quite!


Unknown said...

You look really skinny! What is your secret. I just can't get motivated after having this baby to lose the weight.

Chris Grover said...

Love that suit and love that family picture! It must feel like a lot of work (I can only imagine), but what seriously priceless memories your kids are having! And I think no sunburns should win some kind of award!

Janessa Couch said...

Okay, we are seriously going to Hawaii soon. It is beautiful there!

sosilly said...

Cute,cute family. The bay looks the same as when you were a baby!
Keep up the documentation please. It is so fun to watch via your blog.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

What a beautiful family. It looks like you are all having a great time and making fun memories. I am so envious- it's been so cold in SoCal..

Daytrippingmom Media said...
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