Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Too Little

It must be hard being the littlest member of the family. It has been Peyton's main source of frustration lately (well, besides her molars). She wants to do EVERYthing her big sisters do. And tries.

One of the things I have actually laughed out loud about lately is her determination to get IN the tub with her sisters. This was the case again last night. I said "girls, go get in the tub!" (maybe 25 times and then they finally did it....we're working on "listening the FIRST time mommy says something"). And soon I heard the water running and the girls playing. Then I heard it. Peyton saying "Ugh, Ugh, Ugh, UUUUUGGGGHHHHH". Which is the sound she makes when she can't do something by herself (aka: all day long). I walk in to see this (see pic). And it never fails to make me laugh.

There is something so funny about it to me. I guess its her determination that she WILL get in no matter what. And then to see, from my viewpoint, how impossible that really is at her size. She'll just stand there with her leg up looking at me like "PPPPLLLLEEAAASSEEEE help me mom!". And after laughing, I pick her up and, after lots of kisses and cuddles, I plop her into the wet-and-wild-tub with her sisters ...and she is happy.


Unknown said...

I was looking at Luka thinking today how hard it must be- you are this giant spirit with knowledge and come here and get shoved into a tiny body that you can't work and have very little means to communicate. How frustrating!

Chris Grover said...

Oh, must be so frustrating to want to be one of the big girls, but to not quite be there yet! If only they knew how much WE want them to stay little for awhile! They are so eager to grow and explore the world, but sometimes I wish they would just be baby for longer! I'm so glad you caught that picture -- it's great!

britt said...

it is funny how quickly they develop that independence and determination to do things on thier own. I can already see Ash trying hard for everything, even when it is a "no,no". I guess that is what determines them even more, right?