Monday, January 28, 2008

15 Month Update

*Peyton has been walking for about 6 weeks, and I can hardly remember her crawling anymore.
*She says: out, yes, no, nana (for banana), Jo Jo, mom, dadda, mine, shoe and this. But really, its mostly "ugh, ugh, uuugghhh!". She also signs more, owie, baby, thank you, and please.
*She walks around most the day with a purse and a baby - and keys if she can snatch them.
*Her sleep schedule has been bad. She goes to bed anywhere between 7:30 and 11:00 (preferrably 8:00) and gets up around 8:00. But the bad part is she wakes up like 5 times at night, and sometimes will cry for two hours for no apparent reason. She's almost done with a round of antibiotics, hoping her ears were the reason for the lack of sleep? Needless to say, we are TIRED around here.
*She shares a room with Lexi and somehow Lexi doesn't wake up during these crying spells.
*Peyton's eating has also been not-so-good this month. Things she does love are: eggs, blueberries, cheese, chicken, cooked carrots, and candy (when she sees my Sour Patch Kids, she will NOT walk away until I give her a little piece).
*She still sucks her thumb, but it is really only something she does when she is hungry or tired.
*Peyton loves her older sisters so much. She watches every single thing they do and wants to play with them all the time. They are suprisingly obliging with this. She even loves High School Musical and dances to the songs. Oh, the world of having older siblings!!
*She loves to cuddle and rock. She's a very affectionate baby and will give me (open mouth) kisses almost any time I ask.
*I love this kid so much!!!


Janessa Couch said...

That is such a darling picture of your daughter.

Tara said...

That is truly angelic Jay! Her eyes are amazing!

OK, I just did something fun on my blog, a look-alike meter on a website. You should do it with your girls, and do the celeb-match as well. Lindsay's sister even did it with her adopted hispanic son, and it was funny how he looked more like her acording to the meter, so Karli should try it, just for fun. :)

Jill said...

She's so cute and quite the grown-up girl with her purse & keys!

Chris Grover said...

I LOVE that picture! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they grow and change! It almost scares me, really! But it is so fun to see how their personalities develop and often change!

PS, are you about dying of excitement for some aloha?! I'm dying for you!!