Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dear Peyton

My Dearest 14 Month Old Baby -

Why must you defy your previously perfect bedtime routine? What is the cause of this early stage of rebellion?

Is it that you love your special time with Mommy and Daddy too much to sleep?
Even when Daddy's just relaxing on the couch?

And Mommy's just doing homework?

Or maybe you love to be the cutest-baby-in-the-world walking around making us "cooo" and "ahhh" at you....with no competition from your sisters?

Or....secretly, maybe you love Grey's Anatomy just as much as we do?

Whatever the reason, my dear Peyton, it is virtually impossible to be frustrated at you for longer than .05 seconds because you are the sweetest thing on the planet.

We love you baby!


Tara said...

OH MY CUTENESS!!!! She is to die for!!! You are really good at capturing your kids at such cute angles. I just want to scoop her up and snuggle her! Absolutely DE-LISH!!!

and thanks for all the comments on Jade's artwork on our blog, Jade LOVES it when people make comments about her art, it motivates her to keep pushing herself further, otherwise, sometimes she gets in a rut of doing the same thing and she thinks I just nag her about it.

Ashley and Brett said...

She is really adorable! You guys have cute kids.

Hey I have a question for you - maybe its just me... but every time I get on your blog there is like an inch of black border around it and I can't read 1//2 of what you write! Why is that? I saw at my moms house its suppose to be green - but it was still cut off.

That picture of Tucker on the couch reminded me - we found some home movies with our cousins and he has his face right up in the camera (as a teenager, of course) saying "hey who's in there... why are the laughing at me!" My family and I were rolling! We forgot how strange the boy cousins (including my brother) acted when they got together!

Eliza2006 said...

She is such a cute kid. She looks like Lexi and Jordyn rolled into Peyton!


Grammy said...

What a sweet baby. It really is hard to be mad at them when they are so dang cute and they really aren't being naughty. Enjoy every second. Too soon they grow up and become teenagers (sthought that is not all bad, eighter!), and then parents. That baby stage is so much fun!