Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thank Goodness for WD-40

I really, really think it's a crime when a baby is woken up from a nap before they're ready. Peyton has just entered the phase (which will last a couple years) where getting her FULL nap is essential to her happiness and my sanity. Unfortunately Peyton and Lexi share a room and Lexi is my child that has the almost uncontrollable urge to change outfits 5+ times per day. This doesn't work well when Peyton is napping. So today I thought I could *sneak* in there and get Lexi's clothes while Pey was sleeping. Sadly, the door did a nearly inaudible squeak....but was just enough for her to stir and wake up about an hour prematurely. I tried to let her fall back asleep, but to no avail. Now, it was in no way a catastrophe to the day, but it is still a deep fear of any mother who savors every single minute of those naps to "catch up" on one of millions of things in need of catching up on! Thus the title to this post....thank goodness for a little WD-40 (or cooking oil spray if you're desparate) on the hinges...so at least the door won't wake her up again.

Now its just too bad WD-40 doesn't work on the other kids voices....


Chris Grover said...

Is there WD-40 for dogs as well? Chase is my biggest fear when it comes to keeping the noise down for babies!

Jill said...

Been there and feeling your pain! WD-40 is my best friend! Jill