Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Lot About Nothing

I never really post about just *my day*, as random or boring as it may be. So I thought I would. Today was one of those non-stop days (which isn't unusual), and to be totally honest, I haven't even showered yet today. Sad, huh?

I woke around 6:45 with Lexi and Peyton and felt very tired (which isn't unusual either). Got them ready for the day and Jordyn out the door to preschool, then we ran to the grocery store. This was not a fun experience because Peyton cried the whole time (she's sick), so I rushed through. The self-check sounded faster, so I quickly did that. At the end of my basket I had a watermelon, and was quite shocked when it came to $12. Ugh, no thanks! Watermelon's great and all, but not THAT great. So I called a manager over and she took it off my tab, then we left.

We got home in time for Beth to drop off Jacob. Little while later we went to pick up Jordyn from preschool and I realized I left my case of soda (cherry coke zero, pretty good) at the grocery store. Well, by this point I had four kids with me and it didn't sound fun to run BACK in there just for soda (thanks for helping me with that Lindy!).

Anyway, got home and spent the afternoon preparing dinner for the sister missionaries, taking care of kids, chatting with Kristy about her upcoming college life, breaking up kid squabbles and soothing a fussy baby. Took Jacob home, went to pick up the sister missionaries, had chicken alfredo pasta for dinner with strawberry shortcake for dessert, bathed the whiney kids with Tucker's help, read books, put them to bed (deep breath) and.......................ahhhhh, and now I'm sitting my butt on the couch and watching American Idol and giving myself permission to relax! And that's a day in the life of Jamie.


Unknown said...

AMEN sister! I don't know how people can think that say at home moms aren't busy and most of the time we don't even stay at home.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I feel for you since I know exactly what You are talking about. It's usually nonstop for me also- early morning to late night.