Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dance, Thumbs and CD's

Peyton is napping and the girls are swimming, so I thought I'd download pics from my camera and blog for a second.

Today is "dance class day" for us. We have a drawer full of various styles and sizes of dance clothes, and today this is what they picked out. They have their annual dance recital next week, which they are excited and nervous for.

Doesn't Peyton make you want to suck YOUR thumb? She makes it look so yummy (and maybe that's because I am a recovered-thumb-sucker myself - yep, did 10 years and still have perfect teeth!). She loves her thumb.

And do you remember back in the day when it was *cool* to BUY CD's? You know, before iTunes, Kazaa, Limewire, etc where you can just download the songs you want? Yeah, well, Tucker and I were really into the whole buying CD's thing, so we have had BOXES and BOXES of CD's in our garage for quite a while. We have everything from LL Cool J to Def Leppard to Garth Brooks to Limp Biskit to Whitesnake! So, we FINALLY bought CD books to load all the CD's into so we can throw away all of the cases. I alphabetized them on the table and I'm still in the process of loading them into the books. I've been tempted to throw them away, but instead we'll get organized and then we can put them on our iPods. Fun projects!


Carlotta said...

ohhh! send those cds my way! I want to put them on my ipod! thats out of control. can u imagine lugging those around in your car instead of an ipod? technology is great.

britt said...

I need to start my dance clothes collection. Ame was taking Hula and tumbling, but hs decided she doesn't want to do tumbling, that decision was made a few times after we had driven all the way there and I had unloaded the other 2 kids. I bribbed her those days a few more to finish out the month. Npw she is signed up with a dance company to do ballet and jazz. I think she will have lots of fun! Some of our neighbors go there as well and recommended it.

Chris Grover said...

Oh my gosh, Peyton's picture is sooo cute! I love the thumb-sucker! And seriously, your CD collection will be worth something someday (already is, I'm sure). It will be like how people covet 8-tracks and antique records now! In the future, we will have holograms come sing to us in our living rooms or something insane like that!