Thursday, May 03, 2007

First Lost Tooth

Yep, Jordyn lost her first tooth - or teeth - just a little earlier than nature would've done it. We had another visit to the dentist today to have two teeth extracted. One was in the front: There was an abcess above it because the tooth was slowly dying from a fall a few years ago. The second was a molar: It had such a bad cavity that it had to be removed. So sad.

Jordyn did so well. She was SOOOO excited about the whole thing because she got to loose a tooth like her cousins and friends. But I think it was a bit more traumatic than she had imagined. The numb feeling and bleeding really bothered her. She had a couple hours of being sad and in pain, but quickly recovered and had lots of fun putting her tongue through her new "hole".

Jordyn - BEFORE

The "gas" to relax her

After - just got the gauze in

Jordyn - AFTER (toothless, really numb and a little worn out)


Unknown said...

Poor girl! I would seriously rather have a baby than go to the dentist! I hate that place.

Katie said...

What a brave girl. It sure does beat what happened to me. When I was 6 I ran into a fence post and ended up loosing 5 teeth! But I sure am proud of Jordyn! On my blog I have an entry of my nephew (4 years old) who lost his first tooth too... show it to Jordyn, she might appreciate seeing that she isn't alone!