Monday, April 21, 2008

Quiet Isn't Always Better

The stuff that happens when the kids are quiet for 7 1/2 minutes.....(even at age 4 and 6 and you think they are way past this kind of "fun").


Tara said...

HAHA!! Was that toothpaste? I hope your door isn't stained. hehe, that is too funny, 7 1/2 mins!?! Why do they look so proud? :) They are just too cute! but I'm sorry about the mess. *chuckle* :)

Tara said...

oh wait, I just took a better look at Jordyn, she DOESN'T look proud, I think she is a smart girl after a crime. remorse hehe :)

Janessa Couch said...

OH NO! I hope that you were able to get it out.

sosilly said...

Blooming artist start young!
Lexi's dress is going nowhere!
I hope I don't feed into the artwork by doing bath art with Jordyn.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

wow- they sure are productive in 7 and a half minutes.. LOL!! . I hope you can get that out.

Jamie and Family said...

It was a ink stamp, I got it out with comet, and I had them help me. But my patience was tried A LOT because weren't we done with this phase about three years ago?

Beth said...

Love the location choice. Of all places to color!

britt said...

I am SOO SOrry! I know all to well that QUIET generally doesn't mean good! I would rather hear some sort of noise so I can tell what they are doing!!