Monday, April 28, 2008

Reality Blogging

This is how [every single room in] my house looked all day today. And often, for that matter. Usually, I play the whole "game" of trying to keep it clean with the off-chance that I will get that *15 minutes* of "my house looks great!". Only to have it look like this again in record-breaking speed. What else can I expect with a 6, 4 and 1 year old plus cousins and friends frequenting (I wouldn't have it any other way, to be honest).
But let's get back to reality blogging for a minute. I try to repeat to myself things about this being "a season of life" and "I'll miss this when its gone" and "they're just kids, let 'em have fun" and "who cares", etc.

And sometimes those sentiments actually do work and help give me perspective.

But it doesn't mean I don't often feel like a rat running around in a wheel......going nowhere!

Today I resolved to hardly even blink at it all, let the kids and their friends have fun....and then have a family pick-up time before bed. Which, by the way, is working better these days. Having the kids clean still sometimes feels like it takes more effort to instruct them as to how to help and to *keep* helping. But I look at it as insurance for the future. I can already see them "getting it" a little. Jordyn says she sleeps better when her room is clean. I do too.

Gotta love these [MESSY!!!!!] kids, huh?


sosilly said...

True sentiment!
However, until I see it in the present(you and your sister always picking up like madwomen) I really forgot it for the most part.(i think, i think, i forgot, i can't remember!) I guess I must be getting forgetful!
My kids were always perfect, helpful, kind, obedient, trouble free!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

I can really really relate to this post. I'm in constant repeat mode status.. clean the house, lasts all about 15 minutes, house messy as can be - repeat again over and over throughout the day- so I've decided to only pick up at the end of the day and it's made me feel a lot better. I've also realized that Lauren is starting to somewhat get it also. She helped "pick up " her room last night and told me how much she loves her clean room and clean house.

Unknown said...

Messy is fine especially if you know you are CLEAN- which I know you are. I always have to remind myself of that difference. And, I am so glad I don't have to keep my house CLEAN and MESS free anymore from trying to sell it:)

britt said...

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto to EVERYTHING you said!

Beth said...

Love this reality post!

Tara said...