Thursday, April 17, 2008

She's My Sister

I consider myself lucky to have three sisters (and one brother, but this post is about sisters...). I love each of their own unique personalities. When I was younger, I loved a song called "She's My Sister" on a Janeen Brady children's tape we had. And today, my girls love it as much as I did. It's very simple:

She's about this high
She's smaller than I
Sometimes I help her tie her shoes
She's my sister
And she plays with me
And I hope that she is glad that I'm her sister too

The next verse is almost identical, but its the smaller sister singing about the bigger sister. My girls can listen to this pretty little song over and over and over (and fight about it too "don't sing MY verse!").

This song always make me feel a little emotional because its such a special and eternal thing to have a sibling, and particularly a sister. I feel blessed for the things I have learned from each one of mine.

I am 31 (well, basically...two weeks), Carly will be 29, Lindy is 25 and Kristy is 18, then Ryan is the caboose at 17. I don't get to live by Carly anymore, which I miss a lot (I still don't have a stylist, Carly), but I get to live really close to Lindy.

Lindy is a great organizer and always has been. In her own words, it's more fun to organize "someone else's stuff", so I asked her to do a huge project for me: To organize the girls' hair things. You can't understand what that entailed unless you had seen it with your own eyes. It was like a craft store threw up in their bathroom. With three girls, it was CHAOS!

I wish I would have taken before pics, but here are some after pics of Lindy's magic. I feel so relieved that, for the time being, there is order in their bathroom. I actually looked forward to fixing their hair this morning. Check out what a great job she did!!! Thank you Lindy!


britt said...

Looks awesome! Ame's drawer/closet were chaos as well (I can't imagine what I would have with 3 GIRLS) and I tried to organize, but Lindy's organization looks much better than mine!

Beth said...

I never seen such an amazing sprawl of bows, and headbands. I can see how that could quickly get out of control.

Tara said...

What a smart thing to do with the ribbons! Oh the days of girly hair things, it sweeps by so fast! Before you know it, those drawers will be filled with make-up! I didn't think I would miss the mess of clips and things, but I do. I hope your girls last longer in that stage than mine did. Remember when Jade did your hair in Japan? Wow, seems like so long ago! Good job Lindy for organizing! It feels so good to have something like that put in order. Sisters rock!

sosilly said...

She was organizing her bedroom when she was just three!
That's Wid the kid!