Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Our OTHER Saturday Project

(front view of play house)

Tucker must really love me because he actually agreed to do indeed another 4 hour project on Saturday, as if ripping out part of the front yard wasn't enough.

We bought this REALLY cute play house at Costco. I don't know if all Costcos are selling it, but when I saw it I fell in love with it. And things like this often go fast at Costco.

Our other Little Tikes playhouse was a garage sale item from a few years ago and the roof was caving in on them. It has provided ENDLESS hours of play over the years, and I didn't want to give that up. So this upgraded replacement will get many years of use!

It may seem trashy, but here in our neck of CA, we've had a lot of success putting things in our driveway with a "FREE" sign on them and they are gone within hours. We don't just set junk out, its usually a decent piece of furniture we no longer need. Even though our other play house was falling apart, I figured someone out there was handy enough to give it more life and so we put it in our driveway. Tucker made a note that said "I'm a little broken, but free to a good home". And, as always, it was gone within hours.

The girls really love this house. Its made of cedar and we stained it with weatherproofing stain. Very cute! Tucker, thanks for being such a great 'project partner' and being on board with my craziness!

(side view)


Carlotta said...

That is a great playhouse. Don't forget to treat it so it doesn't warp. I wish the sun would shine here. :/

Debbie said...

that is such a cute playhouse!

Beth said...

very, very, cute! I doubt you will ever regret that purchase!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

What a cute playhouse. I love it!!

sosilly said...

You forgot to mention that you ALSO painted the front door too!