Thursday, November 01, 2007

Post Halloween Candy Thoughts

So, it is an interesting thing, trick-or-treating. You buy lots of candy to pass out...only for your children to return with an equal amount of candy you just gave away (but larger variety).

What to do with ALL this candy that your children now think is ALL theirs to do whatever they want with?


I haven't really formed an opinion on this yet in my motherhood. This is our first "real" year to have to think about this. I've somehow escaped the hords of candy in years past (one year, they were TOTALLY freaked out by our neighbor and would not go to a SINGLE house after that).

So I've heard various theories in various extremes, like: let them eat a TON in one day, then get rid of it OR let them pick one candy per day until it gone.

As I reflect back on my mother's rules on this, I don't recall any specific rules. I think she just let us have it and I was disciplined enough to make it last like a month or more. It was so fun. My sisters and I would come home, dump our pillow cases out on the floor, sort it all, trade with eachother (I was the manipulative oldest sister that would make a bargain of 4 generic candies for one REAL fun size candy bar, like a snickers).

Speaking of that, I think it IS different than when I was little. We would get lots of little generic candies and MAYBE a few "real" candy bars sprinkled in there. Now days it's quite the opposite! Maybe it's all those Costco sized bags of GOOD candy we all have access to!

So back to my dilemma, I need to find peace with whatever decision I make regarding the girls and their candy. Either way, I wasn't excited tonight when I checked on Jordyn....and lying there in her bed peacefully sleeping, guess what was beside her? An empty candy box! So, I've got to do something because I really don't want to add more work to my current $3000 dentist bill.
What do YOU do?


Debbie said...

i think we are all dealing with this today:) i have decided that the boys get to pick one candy after they eat their lunch. of course they are so excited! after awhile i start dumping it in the trash. i have also heard of people saying pick your 10 favorite candies and they toss the rest. i will be interested to read what other people do.

Carlotta said...

taras neighbor said that her dad bought it from them when they were little and she has a friend that buys it by the lb. from her kids. i think each situation is different depending on the kids. alyson has forgotten about it and i am afraid for myself to have it around.

Unknown said...

My kids have surprisingly paced theirselves. After a few days last year I remember throwing it away because what is usually left is the stuff they don't really like anyway!

Mike & Lindy said...

Well, so far, Lyric has basically forgotten about hers and I have been the candy eating culpret. Not to mention, SaveMart had all of their leftover Halloween candy for $1 per bag yesterday. Unfortunately it wasn't the cheap stuff either, and unfortunately I HAD to buy the Snickers and KitKat. What in the world is my problem?

britt said...

I am kind of behind debbie's idea, one a day for awhile, until that becomes old or it's all gone because I have slowly thrown it away or saved (and hid) a few pieces for future need,
i.e. kaipo's haircuts require a sucker or something of that sort.
I would let them just have at it but my kids have super sensitive stomachs and don't know when to stop really, so I have to be somewhat controlling.
that is just what I have decided for myself at this point, it may very well change as they get older!

Anonymous said...

Get a ton of candy at your ward's trunk or treat party and give all of that candy away on Halloween. This way you don't buy any and your kids only keep a little bit of it.

Amy said...

this year we didn't get a TON so i'm pretty much hoping she eats it all quick so it's over with. i'll probably throw away all the left over stuff she doesn't love. but i really have no problem throwing the entire thing in the trash if she wouldn't notice...but kids, they always notice, don't they?