Friday, November 16, 2007

Flashback Friday

Jordyn 2004 (2 years old)

Peyton 2007 (1 year old)


sosilly said...

Those babies are so absolutely adorable! Can you believe that Jordyn was so much a baby when you moved into that house!
Aaaaw, I want to cuddle and comfort them even when I see them in pictures crying.

Jamie and Family said...

No, I can't believe Jordyn was SO little.....especially when Peyton has already worn the shirt that Jordyn has on in the pic!

Tucker snapped this pic of Peyton recently because he remembered this one of Jordyn from a few years ago!

Beth said...

always fun to remember whining moments. I CAN NOT believe Jordyn was that age when you were in that house! You had 2 babies at the same time!!!

Tara said...

Wow, has it really been that long since you have been in that house? SOOOO much has happened (and changed) for your family during that time. Fun memories!!!