Monday, November 19, 2007

Adventures in Hair Color

So, a few nights ago, my 18 year old sister Kristy called me and said "Hey, I want to go back blonde, what should I do?".

I told her to be really careful because I've heard horror stories from Carly, who has done hair for like 8 years, about color correction. The story usually went like this: person dyes their own hair, doesn't like it and tries to dye it again, turns green/grey/ugly, and person desperately goes to stylist, person spends 6-8 hours in the chair, and person leaves with semi-damaged decent looking hair and about $200 poorer.

I saw flashes of this being Kristy's story.

So I offered to go to Sally's Beauty Supply with her (we got there 15 minutes before it closed). We got back home and I figured I was in for a late night of experimenting.

Little did I know that over the next 27 hours, we would spend 12 of them ON HER HAIR! We had no idea what we were getting in to.

There were several points where we both wanted to cry...feeling quite devastated.

We tried and tried and tried....and I think an angel from heaven literally came down and magically made her hair turn out good. Because when I took the final foils out, it was 11:00 pm and we were both totally OUT of ideas. We could not believe our eyes that it actually looked great!

Here are some pics from our adventure.....

Kristy was done with her three month stint of dark hair. She wanted her platinum blonde back!
So we began our adventure with a color remover soluation...
I thought I'd join in the fun and add some of my own high and low-lights
Ummmm, not QUITE the color we were going for....we'll keep trying....
OK, so we got it lighter...but it had a VERY orange/yellow barbie doll tint to it.....
so, back to the drawing board (or kitchen).....

Many, many, many steps [and hours and bleach and color] later, which I didn't take pics is the final product! Not the platinum blonde she had originally wanted, but it was a fun and pretty change from the DARK. She has a ton of highlights and it looks really good on her.

I tell ya, it was QUITE the adventure!


sosilly said...

If that was a professional job Kristy would be working for you for FREE approx. a year! Considering all the stress factors too! I think it looks great and perhaps you should have gone to school with Carly to be a stylist on the side.

Carlotta said...

you guys are brave, it actually looks really good before you did the low lights. and the orange that it turned out from the color remover is PERFECT!!!! At least I think it is to make it a nice brown.

Jamie and Family said...

Carly, the picture does NOT do it justice. before the low lights it was CRAYON yellow. In the sunlight people would have had to wear glasses. I kick myself for not getting an accurate pic :-)

sosilly said...

I can't stop staring at the pic with her hair all up when dark. She look like a Spaniard read to dance or something. More ethnic than I've ever seen!

Jill said...

This is the part about having not having a sister I miss! What a fun/cool activity and you wouldn't do that with anyone but your sister! I agree with your Mom, should be a stylist!

Katie said...

I can't understand this...I have never put an ounce of dye in my hair, so I give kudos to you two and your abilities to change black to blond. I am stumped.