Friday, November 09, 2007

Flashback Friday

This was 7th grade.

The story: In 6th grade (which was jr. high), my friends and I decided to try out for cheerleading, for the following school year.

I was devastated when my friends made it and I did not.

I walked home - crying the whole mile. My mom felt so bad, she caved in on her steadfast rule of "you can get your ears pierced when you're 12". I was still 11. I have to admit, it did make me feel better.

Anyway, as the story goes, they decided to have me be mascot that year since I didn't make cheerleader. That was fun because I got to be with my friends (Katie, Shana, Becky, Jammie).

But it wasn't fun because I was shy. So shy, that I actually MOUTHED most of the cheers that year. Are you kidding? The mascot is supposed to be loud and even obnoxious. That was NOT me.

How awesome of those cheerleading advisors to give me a chance like that. I ended up cheering 8th, 9th and 10th grade years. I was even on the Varsity squad my 10th grade year, so I redeemed myself.

What I loved most about cheerleading? I loved the team spirit we had. We cared SO much about the school sports, and it was so fun to be involved. I also loved learning and performing the dances at Varsity football halftime. Talk about scary! But I can seriously still remember performing to New Kids on the Block's "Step by Step". Is that cheese, or what?

I remember one of the nice basketball defensive cheers was:

Hey you with the ball trip & fall! Hey you with the ball trip & fall!


sosilly said...

I even went out of our normal budget to buy you a pink and navy blue, 2 piece outfit at Old Navy, to insure that you felt ready for the challenge!
Something gained, something learned.

Beth said...

That is a sad yet inspiring story for any girl. That is a big blow for a 7th grader. You were confident enough to try out again. I'm curious what the mascot was?

Jamie and Family said...

We were the "Steelers" so the mascot was just me dressed up in black & gold like you see in the pic. nothing too embarrassing.

Mom, it was not just PINK it was HOT pink and navy blue. And I wore hot pink socks with navy blue keds. Now THAT'S style.

Debbie said...

i thought of you tonight as aaron and i went to a high school football game:)

i need to start doing flashback fridays, i love them.

Tara said...

I had this pic up for a long time when we were little. I thought it was SO COOL that one of my best friends was a cheerleader. I had forgotten that you were a mascot first. Good memories.....