Thursday, November 08, 2007


Tonight, Tucker and I had a special date night with Jordyn and Lexi. Kristy came and babysat Peyton and we took the girls to see the ballet Coppelia.

BYU Theatre was doing a small tour and one of their stops happened to be near us. So we got the girls ready for a night out. We ate at a small Mexican restaurant and then walked to the beautiful restored theatre for the ballet.

They were quite fascinated and asked a LOT of questions. They stayed pretty focused for 3/4 of the performance, but during last part they could not do a single thing but dance around the side of the theatre. They were so inspired by the ballet, they wanted to imitate it right then and there.

Afterwards I said "Girls, if you keep practicing ballet and listen to your dance teacher, you can do that on stage someday".

To that, Jordyn confidently said "Mom, I can already do it just like them and I am ready for the stage!".

Believe it or not, I forgot my camera for the event.

We even got some Cold Stone ice cream to top off the evening (have you ever tried their seasonal flavor...Dark Chocolate Mint? yummmm)

'Twas a late night, but a fun night.


Eliza2006 said...

That sounds like a fun evening. Jordyn is so cute with her confidence!


sosilly said...

No camera! I am in disbelief. I guess you can't be on top of everything all the time!
I'm sure you accomplished your goal "memories".

Beth said...

What good, fun parents you are. Making positive memories is what it is all about.

Jill said...

What a fun experience and great memories!

britt said...

How fun! Ame would have done just the same. It's fun your girls are close enough in age to do things like that together. And both girls. And you guys are great for doing that with them. Hurray for you!!