Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Maybe I'm Allergic to Motherhood?

Does anyone know where I can get some clothes for a 5 year old that fit the following description:

not too short
not too long
not too tight
not too loose
not too old
not too new
not too itchy
not too soft
not too cute
not too ugly

You get the picture. Or maybe I can just get special permission for Jordyn to go to school in her underwear? Because that's about the only thing she can pick out without complete and utter drama.

Maybe its all this drama that is helping my Facial Angioedema to stick around. Today, on the sixth day of this unwanted & unexplainable condition, it has actually gotten worse. I'm feeling slightly crazy. Like I either want to scream, sleep or eat a box of donuts.

In an effort to function as a normal person despite my current facial deformities, I took the kids on a walk after dinner last night. Jordyn was pushing the stroller with Peyton and I was holding Lexi's hand. Soon, we passed some nice looking women with a baby in tow and politely said hi. One of the women was large and noticeably struggling on the walk. I gave her an encouraging smile, and just as I was thinking to myself how difficult that must be, I hear my cute little Lexi interrupt my thought loudly with "Mom, why is that girl so big? Why is she really huge?".

Oh. My. Gosh.

I hate those I-wish-I-could-rewind-time moments. Innocent question, but said undoubtedly loud enough for the lady to hear. I was careful how I reacted to her, and the girls and I spent the rest of the walk talking about it.

Its times like these when I am reminded that I'm responsible to teach these kids EVERYTHING - the task can seem quite daunting!

Daunting, but I'd still want my life no other way. Honestly, I am blessed to have these three spunky girls as my constant companions.
And blessed to be quick-thinking as well. Like yesterday, when I was a nice mom and got my kids a slush at Sonic (they are only $ .60 during happy hours!). After ordering two "pink" slushes (it will soon be three because Peyton is not so passive anymore), we were driving away. I passed back a slush for Jordyn to pass to Lexi who is WAY in the back of the van.

All of a sudden I heard "uh oh!". I knew what had happened.

I stopped the car and ran around to see the whole "pink" slush on the floor of the van. Uuuughhhh. So, after staring for a moment.......a thought occurred to me and I drove fast to the vacuum hoses at the car wash around the corner. Much to my relief, it sucked it up great. It's these [frequent] moments that help curb my impatient thoughts of getting rid of the old run-down mini-van until my kids are just a little older.

OK. I'm off to either scream, sleep [yeah right] or eat a box of donuts.


Eliza2006 said...

Hanna Andersson from ebay. Jake, the pickiest clothing boy I know, LOVES Hanna clothes. I'm not looking forward to this stage, although I feel like I would take it in a heart beat if Eliza would sleep at daycare.


Unknown said...

Savannah won't wear anything either. She has been like this for about a year- no seems, no tights(one of the reasons we quit dance), no socks, no tags,no jeans, etc, etc. It is something I dread every day.

Tara said...

I am about to make some Heinzen cake, I wish I could send some to you!!! (I gave a plate to Carly, and didn't realize it's a memory for you guys as well as for me) Heinzen cake is way better than doughnuts and fast to make, it sounds like you need some comfort food. I am so sorry you are having such a crazy week, (more crazy than normal it sounds). I wish I had something helpful to say, except that we have all been there with the innocent but very publicly asked questions. I wish I could run over there right now, sew some fabulous and tailored clothes for Jordyn, and bring a pan of Heinzen cake for you! You are such an awesome mom, hang in there!

Daytrippingmom Media said...

Jamie I can't imagine having to suffer with your reaction for that many days and having to be a mommy at the same time. It's hard enough when we are on top of the game but when you are dealing with your reaction yikes. I don't know if this is of any help as far as the clothing issue but Lauren has started becoming really fussy about the way her clothes feel and the only thing she wants to wear are leggings and tops from gymboree. They are surprisingly very soft and fit well. Ebay has some great gymbo stuff out there. I hope it's a phase that will soon pass for both you and me. I just feel bad that you are having a rough week. I think you need to sneak away for a treat- a pedi or a trip to Borders or Target usually does the trick for me if I can't do that a cookie or chocalate something usually helps.

Daytrippingmom Media said...

by the way I forgot to say that the vacuum thing was an awesome idea. Next time I have an inevitable spill I will have to give it a try!! it's amazing how clever moms are. Also i hope you don't mind that I called your condition a reaction I know it has a name but I couldn't remember it.. Sorry!! I hope you can feel better soon! and find out what causes it!! Hugs(((()))))))

Beth said...

You deserve to do all three. Any you know I sympathize with clothing wars.

Anonymous said...


britt said...

Ame is also quite oppinionated when it comes to clothes and when she picks out what to wear, its often the SAME THING all the time.
I empathize with the stress of a single day, like you had. Then I think about a friend I went to the park with yesterday, who has 4 kids and works FULL TIME. She was telling me all about her stressful days and I could no longer feel bad for myself! Can you even imagine????

Grammy said...

Well, Jamie, Julie was my first picky dresser. Everthing had to be the same color. If it was pink, it could not be a light pink shirt with dark pink pants, it had to be the same color of pink and the underwear and socks had to match, too. Then there was Becca . . . only stretch pants and they could not touch her belly button. Then she switched to jeans, and they could not touch her belly button. If Katie had been that picky, she might not have had any sisters . . .