Monday, October 08, 2007

Why Do I Bother?

Since Peyton is my third daughter, you'd think I'd have learned by now.

You'd think I'd have learned that it's SO not worth fixing their hair between the ages of 10 months and 2 years. She rips them out in record time. In the car, I often look back at Peyton to see her cute smile....only to find her hair sticking STRAIGHT up. The remnants of cute piggy tails. Bows? Clips? Nowhere to be found.

I just get such satisfaction from fixing the girls' hair all cute. From the time they have enough hair, I love putting in bows and clips and piggies.

I would save myself lots of dissapointment over the next year if I would simply skip this process and just let her have shaggy hair.

But....I'm pretty sure I won't.


Mike & Lindy said...

I hear you on this one! I remember this drove me crazy with Lyric, but I can't say she has completely grown out of it! Half of the time I'm asking her "Where is your clip?"

Beth said...

But I have to say, I love this look as well. She just looks so satisfied with her own style. I don't ever worry about that with Luke.

britt said...

I too love this about having a girl. I do remember when Ame was a lot younger and what a challenge it was to keep them in. But Ame still doesn't really like getting her hair fixed soo much, probably because she is my ONLY girl, and I dote on her too much. On the other hand it is soo nice to just walk out the door with the boys. So I guess I have the best of both worlds!

Tara said...

I miss doing little girl's hair!!! I even miss the struggle, I bet you will too someday. Jade is just so darn independent with her own style, and Josh is a boy, (enuf said). Good luck! She is just so beautiful no matter what!

Katie said...

You should give her a faux-hawk!!! That would be awesome! A little red-headed one year old with a faux hawk. You would be the coolest mom ever, and it wouldn't matter if she messed it up!

Carlotta said...

i can't wait to see her, i'm afraid she will freak out when she sees me! =( make sure to show her lots of pictures of me this week. =)

Bubbly Faces said...

I can't wait for Tessa's hair to grow long enough to put cute bows and clips in it. But it looks like I might as well be dreamin