Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Family Dinner Mania

Peyton is beginning the transition from the high-chair to the table (booster). For no other reason than she seems to be happier there with us. Here's sneak peek at last night's dinner.

Mom, I don't like this food......and all I want to do is smash it and throw it everywhere!

And I get ADHD when it's dinner time.....I can't seem to stay at the table. No matter what.

I am watching and learning from my big sister Lexi.


Unknown said...

Cooper can't sit through a meal either! I don't understand their hyper little selves. I can't believe Pay will be 1 in a few short weeks.

Tara said...

What a big girl! As crazy as all this is, you know your going to miss meal-time chaos when they are all teenagers, or out of the house. :) At least that's what people keep telling me! Good luck!