Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good Girl - Bad Girl and a Parent Teacher Conference

So, yesterday was my first parent/teacher conference ever. I was looking forward to it. I really like Jordyn's teacher, and I've volunteered each week in her classroom, so I pretty much knew what to expect.

The verdict: Jordyn is a model student! She listens, she's at the highest reading level, she is always on-task, she completes her assignments and she is a pleasant student. I was impressed at the level she has tested at. Especially when I think back to the dr's telling us "many preemie's have learning disabilities...and they may not show up until Kindergarten". I give her lots of credit because, although we do work with her and encourage her learning, she is VERY self motivated and interested all on her own. Every time we do homework, it goes like this.

"Jordyn, let's do your homework, okay?"

"YES!!!!!! Hooray!"

I guess I should consider myself lucky and take the fighting-over-clothes-and-hair tradeoff.

Our more recent behavior adversities have been draining me, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't spilling over into her Kindergarten class. When I briefly explained some of my challenges to her teacher, to say she was shocked would be an understatement.

I think she truly invisioned Jordyn staying THAT attentive and compliant all the live long day.

Oh, heavens NO.

So, I've concluded that (for now) she is still adjusting to school. I theorize that she "holds it together" for the 6 hours of school, and then just lets it ALL HANG OUT for me. Sticking her tongue out, spitting, fighting, hitting, crying, disobeying. Things that feel out of character - at least to the extreme she is doing them. I'll give her a couple more months and if it doesn't stop, I'll have to re-theorize WHY...because it's driving me nutty.

So imagine the perfect timing when I got the phone call from a member of the Stake Presidency asking me to speak at the adult session of Stake Conference in two weeks. WHAT? And the topic: Keeping the Spirit in the Home, from the perspective of a mother with young children.

I guess I can speak about the struggle, but not sure if I've got much of a solution to share! I just sort of wish he would have called me the night before, because two weeks is too long for me to stress, an obsess, about something.


Tara said...

HA! I love that topic for your talk! It's a great one, really! And you are perfect for it, you keep a very "real" home, and I think deal well with the good and the bad that comes with being a mother of young children. They don't want to hear from someone who comes across "perfect" that no one can relate too. You have it all in your home, sweet moments, grounded faith, as well as the "kicking and screaming". :) You are a super awesome mom Jay.

And I love how Jordyn is at school, it reminds me SOOOO much of Jade, almost identical. Jade's alter-ego would always surface at home, and she was Miss Perfection at school and with babysitters. It get's better, that's all I can say. :) Good luck!

Unknown said...

Giving that talk sounds terrible- so sorry. Especially after that talk in conference from the RS President I feel so inadequate as a mother. Just remember that kids are always better for other people than their parents. When Coopers preschool teacher tells me how great and quiet he is I feel like falling over and saying "you are talking about the wrong child". Good job Jordyn!

britt said...

I can't say I envy your "opportunity" to speak in steak conference, but from what I can remember YOU are a great speaker and you have soo much "real" emotion and experience, YOU definitely have a lot more to share than you obviously think. Good Luck!
And the Jordyn behavior thing, it must be normal I guess cuz that is pretty much me to T. Somedays I wonder (outloud even) if AMe has turned back a year or two in age, with all the attitude and temper issues! This too shall pass....
(so they say)

Chris Grover said...

Wow, Jamie, that is such a neat opportunity (even if it doesn't feel like it now). You should take that as a major compliment and I know you will do GREAT! It is very interesting to see that even as small children, there are so many elements to a person's personality! I guess Jordyn is showing a few sides to hers! I know it probably doesn't erase the frustration, but she is such a beautiful miracle, especially after all that she went through to get here!

Debbie said...

i had to laugh about the parent teacher conference because just today i went to talk to ev's teacher to make sure everthing is going ok in class, etc. sometimes kids can be such stinkers!

i am excited for you to speak in stake conference. what an amazing opportunity. glad its not me, considering i cannot speak in front of 10 people but i am sure you will do great.

Katie said...

Jamie, I am sure you will truly be able to find the true spirit of the talk (and why not add a little humor too!). Best of luck!!

Anonymous said...

A certain sibling of mine was the same way. An angel in the classroom and a devil at home. They always level out... eventually.