Monday, September 10, 2007

Next time....

Next time you want to leave the ladder on your bedroom floor because you're too lazy to put it away after you were finished with it (sort of like this).....

....then you can't get mad at anyone but yourself because you knew THIS* would happen when you slammed your foot smack into it when you were tired in the morning (not that I would know or anything).

*hint: the pinky toe does NOT have polish on it....

Oh, and also. Next time you are prepared enough to put a roast in the crockpot on a Sunday morning before church (and you're all excited to eat a roast that has slow cooked for 9 hours.......Oh, AND you've invited people over for dinner).....just don't forget to plug in the crockpot. It will make you really mad when you get home from church and realize the mistake.


Beth said...

OUCH!!! And I've done the crockpot thing before, very madening!

Tara said...

I am SO sorry, but man that is funny about the crock-pot! I completely appreciate the toe thing, been there. I sure got a chuckle out of the crock-pot though! :)

Chris Grover said...

Ok let's see -- flashbacks to 9th grade when the cafeteria table fell on my BIG toe (be glad was just your little pinky toe) and it has been black and beautiful shades of yellow and brown over the last what, 15 years? Hence the reason you will hardly EVER catch me without toenail polish on! And, secondly, I have done the crockpot thing numerous times! But not when people were coming over -- YIKES! And third, isn't adoption UH-MAZING?! I am so happy for Carly and for Elisa and Mike! What a small, small world!

britt said...

Two "I can't believe I did that" moments. Both of which hurt on its own level. I am soo sorry for both. How frustrating! What did you do about dinner? I bet you will never do that again, huh?

Chelley said...

OUCH!!! hope that your toe nail doesnt fall off!

What did you do for dinner?????